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Okay, am I the only person here who's confused?

Anyway, we ran through the woods, running for our lives. I started talking with Fay and Elle.

"I really hope we don't die." Fay said.

"I hope so to." I said.

"Come on, we have to keep running." Elle said, picking up the pase.

We ran for what seemed like hours, but in reality was about 30 minutes until we came to a stop at a clearing in the woods.

"I think we're here." Elle said as the ground opened up underneath us. We fell down and came to another opening. We fell on top of one another. Elle got the worst of it by falling first. Once we all got up, Ben helped her up, asking is she was okay.

Two little people came up to us.

"Who is the keeper of the book?" One of them asked.

"Me." Elle said as she got out the book for proof.

"Then welcome to the Troll Grotto. The big boss needs to talk to the keeper of the book, the Dark Fairy's oldest daughter, and the new king, and his younger brother." The second troll said.

"Okay," Elle said. "Mal, Ben, Blake, come on." The three reluctantly followed her and left everyone else in the cavern.

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