Chapter 3: Going down

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I still couldn't believe what I was seeing, my eyes must have been playing tricks on me. I approach him not knowing how he had done what he did.

-Brian...-I asked- how the hell did you do this?

-It's easy,-he replied-,you just have to make them know who's at the top of the food chain. All animals have a basic instinct: Compare your positions in the food chain. If you show them that you're at the top of the food chain, then they won't approach you.

I still couldn't believe it, but it must've been true because I have never seen Vababas this scared. That must be the same thing he did earlier when I felt intimidated.

-Wow, amazing...-I said- well, men, let's capture at least five samples kill the other two.

After we sedated the Vababas and locked them in a Jonsarium cage we left them there, killed the rest and kept going.

-Brian-I said.

-Yes?-he replied

-Stay behind, if things get too crazy jump in, but this is a weapons test.-I declared

-Yes sir.-he obediently replied.

We broke in to the next room we saw on that level, what a hotrible mistake. You see, Vababas eat humans in order to survive, however they don't eat them immediately if they're not hungry. Either way they won't let a body go to waste, the room we entered was a food storage.

As soon as I stepped in I felt a sticky, liquid substance. The odor of decomposing human bodies hit me like a slap to the face. I also had the opportunity to watch two Vababas feasting aggressively on a body, and when I say aggressively, I mean it literally. The blood splashed every where, the poor woman's insides were flying off in chunks as the Vababas shook them around in their mouths. One of my men vomited from the odor and sight.

-Kill them-I silently whispered into my communicator.

I watched Bob angrily attack one of the Vababas, impaling a spear through it's head while it was still leaning down feasting like a dog on the woman. Then my second best warrior, Angel, only second to the newly recruited Brian, smashed the head of the Vababa turning it into mush, with a gigantic mallet. The Vababa hissed it's final breath and tried to cut off  Angel's leg with it's blade generated from his arm. He swiftly stepped on it stopping it's attack.

-Worthless animal-he thought out loud before retracting the jonsarium into a small quarter and holding onto it.

-Let's move, there should be at least on more room here, at the back of this meat locker.-I said.

We walked and found an entrance to a new room. The room had three Vababas guarding it, and there was a hole leading deeper underground.

-Brian, end it quickly-I ordered.

He walked in and the two of the Vababa quickly retreated, while on turned one of his arms into an elastic scythe and whipped it around at him. He turned his Jonsarium quarter into a shield and blocked it. Then he punched it straight in the jaw, making it dizzy. Then he turned his shield into a katana and slashed at it's head. Although it took damage on it's forehead, a small scratch, but it deflected the strike, then turned his other arm into the same shape and tried to cut off Brian's neck. However, thanks to it's dizziness, it missed and Brian got a chance to stab it's head and kill it.

The other two Vababa were standing there, scared for their lives but he made quick work of them. I gave him a small silent applause, then proceeded to throw a God flame grenade down the hole. I heard a screech of pain followed by many others and some warbling sounds as the Vababa died.

I jumped down with a scythe in case there were any survivors. However all of the Vababas were covered in God Flames and were being disintegrated slowly. God Flames, are a man made chemical similar to napalm. Except it burns hotter than the surface of the sun. Of course normally, being even relatively close to the flames would mean disintegration, however, the flames and their heat are only perceptible where there is a certain mineral. That mineral can only be found in a infected human's skin. It's a mineral vital to the Vababa but useless and even foreign to humans. The God Flames were created with this in mind and so, it can't hurt a human being.

The Grenade consists in having the God Flame's first component, carbonated and oxidized kerosene, then an igniting component, the pin on the grenade itself, causes friction and makes a small spark. The oxidized and carbonated kerosene then is ignited, and when it reacts with the mineral on the Vababas skin, it acts as a constant fuel source creating God Flames.

The Vababa are slowly disintegrating when I spot an interesting looking device and test. There were six cinder blocks with a hole the size of a screw in it, and there was a small cube the size of an ice cube in front of it. Nearby there was a box of screws and there were wires connected to the cube. My brain started to make connections. I saw a collection of more cinder blocks without holes and placed them the same way the previous blocks were. I placed a screw behind the slab, on the opposite side of the cube. I applied an electric current to the cube and then I heard a crack, followed by the distinct sound of metal hitting a magnet. I stood there amazed, a magnet so powerful it made a screw break through five cinder blocks.

I then noticed a small dial on the cube  like the one in a car that would tell you how fast you're going. The arrows was on what seemed to be the lowest. Meanwhile my men kept exploring the rooms and taking out Vababas, but I was too distracted to notice. I turned up the amount of electricity the magnet would recieve and the arrow moved up. I began laughing giddily like a small kid and so I took the cube and disconnected it. Apparently without an electrical current it won't work. So I put it in my pocket and explored the room more, then I saw a box standing alone in a corner near the experiment. I opened the box and it was filled to the top in those cubes. I took as many as I could and fit them into my backpack as giddy as before. The heat gloves will get an upgrade.

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