Garroth's gift

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Garroth's Gift is the picture if you reconize the sword good job. This is going to be the part in minecraft diaries when katelyn goes to phoenix drop.

Today September 9th is my 13th birthday. (May or may not be based off of the author's birthday) But why should that change anything. I am currently grounded for trying to escape for the millionth time. Life is such a bore. Oh but you're a princess why would you want to leave? I'm not at all a dainty little flower who needs everything done for her. Have you ever imagined what I do all day. It's changed since I was eleven. I'm no longer content with just the castle. 

As greedy as that sounds it's true. Now I have nothing to do but plot my escape and get grounded for escaping. I want adventure. I want whatever's beyond the walls of O'khasis. 

Speaking of Garroth the gift! I can open it. I opened the box which had grown over the years I assumed it was a magic box and had changed to get a gift that fit my tastes. It was perfect. I pulled out a blue and silver sword. If Zane saw this he would flip because mother and father would kill him for letting me even touch a sword.

"Lyra?" I knew that voice anywhere. 

"Yes Katelyn" I called back. Some of the jury of nine members weren't controlled by Zane, and were kind of spies. Some of I had become friends with.

"This is private." she replied.

"Come in."

"I'm actually going to Phoenix drop soon and I found a way to sneak you on the ship." Katelyn and I would both rather be anywhere but here. She told me pack anything I would need because we might not come back if possible. I grabbed a bag I had had enchanted by a mage so it would fit a lot more than it would normally hold. I put all my clothes that weren't dresses which wasn't much being daughter of a lord and all, but I did keep one dress just in case. I then packed a sleeping bag and kept my sword handy. Into the bag I also put some potions and smoke bombs.

If Zane and Garroth had a little sister. (Minecraft Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now