Party Plan?

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

"Aphmau will you help me with something?" Garroth asked.

"Sure Garroth! What is it? I replied.

"It's Lyra's birthday and... I want to throw her a party." He stated.

"A party sounds like fun!" I exclaimed.

"Wait here I'll go get everyone." I ran off toward Cadenzas house first.

I returned with everyone behind me. Once the party was announced and plans were made everyone set to work and Cadenza was measuring people to make dresses and tuxes. Logan and Donna were cleaning the plaza and Kiki and Brendan were hanging decorations. Emmalyn was with Zoey reading the kids a book. Kawaii~Chan was baking a cake.

"Aphmau! Have you seen malachi I measured the rest of the kids but I can't find malachi?" Cadenza requested. 

"Um I'll go look in the mean time why don't you measure Katelyn?" I stalled

"Sure." She went to the docks were Katelyn was sending away the ship from O'khasis.

Malichi's P.O.V.

I turned to face Lyra. She had passed out! Why did I do that! I'm so stupid. She's hurt and it's my fault. I used my aura to carefully lift her up and back to phoenix drop. I headed to Emmalyn's house because I saw Zoey in there.

"Zoey! I showed her her fear on acccideent which was her past and I'm sorry I didn't mean to and I don't know what to do and.." I started to cry. My vision was blurring.

"Malichi... It's ok." she helped me set Lyra down to rest and  down and Levin gave me hug. 

"Why big brother cry?" he asked. 

"Because Malichi didn't hear the beginning of the story." Emmalyn made up a reason for me.

"Right Malichi?" she hinted for me to play along.

"Yeah can you please start over?" I smiled.

She started over and when Cadenza came over she measured me and Emmalyn so she could finish everyone's outfits.

By the time Lyra woke up the party was abut to start...

If Zane and Garroth had a little sister. (Minecraft Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now