Good Night Phoenix Drop!

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Aphmau's P.O.V. 

A party was just what this village needed! Everyone was enjoying themselves and all the kids were playing together. Everyone welcomed Katelyn and Lyra. It was nice to see everyone together! Especially Katelyn and Nicole, Nicole had said they were childhood friends and that Katelyn was only spying on Zane. It made sense why she would be torn over Jeffory's death. It had been rumoured he was a spy as well... I trusted Katelyn more than before. 

"Aphmau!" Nicole ran up to me.

"Tell Katelyn dresses aren't evil!" She said.

"Nicole! I never said they were evil they just aren't comfortable for me!" Katelyn exclaimed.

It was fun to see them act so childish. Katelyn had earned my trust I felt in my heart she was a good person.

"Katelyn if you need a place to stay you can stay in my house untill we have one constructed for you!" I said.

"Are you sure? I thought you didn't trust me?" she questioned. 

"Katelyn everyone in phoenix drop trusts you and so do I." I responded.

"Thanks Lady Aphmau." she said before Nicole dragged her off to dance.

I smiled seeing everyone at ease.

"L-l-lady a-Aphmau would you care to dance?" Garroth asked me.

I swear I heard Laurence whisper "You got this bro!" but I accepted and we danced the night away! Soon the party was over and Lyra, Katelyn and I headed to my house. I set up some sleeping bags for them in the storage area, and while Lyra was petting the dogs I pulled Katelyn aside.

"Just call me Aphmau from now on! I really do trust you and I'm very sorry about Jeffory but I need to know if I should trust you honestly." I whispered so Lyra couldn't hear.

"In that case call me Katelyn. I was part of the jury of nine along with Jeffory to spy on Zane but he was found out and killed. I believe you can trust me nut if neccecary I will take a potion of truth." She replied.

"Ok you will take a potion in the morning." I told her. 

I asked Zoey to prepare a potion in the morning and headed off to bed. I thought to myself Good Night Phoenix Drop...   

If Zane and Garroth had a little sister. (Minecraft Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now