Irene's Decandant

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Katelyn's P.O.V.
Lyra was still asleep on Emmalyn's bed.
" order for the core to become completely active a descendant of both Lady Irene and Lady Tranquility  have to touch it at the same time."

Lyra was stirring in her sleep.

"But I don't think we should activate it because there's no telling what it could create. Depending on the descendants it could make a monster of evil or a spirit of good. It could do so much more!" Emmalyn exclaimed.

" Emmalyn you should report this to Aphmau. Other than that this should be kept between us." I suggested

She nodded in agreement. We hid the core safely between some of her books. She planned to do a study on it.

I picked Lyra up and Carried her back to Aphmau's house. She was awake and playing with baby Levin and Malachi. I stepped in holding Lyra as she slept on. They didn't notice us. I cleared my throat. Everyone turned. Zoey helped me set Lyra on a bed. Aphmau, Zoey and I all stepped out. We left Malachi to watch Levin and Lyra.

"Oh Irene what happened!" They exclaimed in unison.
"Emmalyn could better explain that. She's waiting for you right now!" I said.
Sending them off to Emmalyn's, I put on my fire fists taking guard of the house.

Suddenly I heard a scream! It sounded like Malachi! I ran in. There was a bandit who had broken through the window. I grabbed him and forced him to let go of Levin. I had Malachi use his powers while I got some rope. I tied him to a chair, and pulled off his mask. It was a jury of nine member...

If Zane and Garroth had a little sister. (Minecraft Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now