Zane did what?!?

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

Emmalyn had just finished explaining about Lyra having Tranquility's powers. Zoey was the first to break the silence.

"Aphmau do you think we should tell the village?" Zoey asked. Emmalyn and Zoey both looked towards me. I glanced the other direction looking at the Core of Life. 

"I-I don't know. Maybe we should wait. With Katelyn and Lyra just moving here this might be to much for the village." I replied.

"Okay I have to get back to my studies. Aphmau, you and Zoey should go get some rest. Take care." she said.

We stepped out to see Laurence he seemed flustered. 

"Aphmau!" he exclaimed.

"Laurence what's wrong is everything okay?!?!?!" I asked.

"The boys I heard Malachi scream and then-" I didn't wait for him to finish. My house was on the other side of the village I had to hurry. Running around at the speed of sound (I just had to) I arrived and looked through the window. Katelyn was talking to a girl with purple hair. Lyra was still passed out and Levin and Malachi were trying to calm the purple haired girl down. Her eyes were glistening with tears.

"Katelyn! Is everything okay?!? Laurence heard a scream." I asked walking in.

"Everything's fine now." she replied.

"But what happened while I was gone." I asked. Zoey brought out one of her potions to lessen pain to the purple haired girl. She declined.

"Wait Katelyn... Who's this?" I asked.

"Her name is Flair. She's a Jury of Nine member, but like Jeffory and I she's being forced to work for Zane against her will." Katelyn said pulling Flair in to a hug as she almost burst into tears at the mention of his name. Katelyn herself looked like she was on the verge of tears. 

"Jeffory and Elliot he took them from us..." Flair trailed off. I gave Katelyn a confused look. 

'Don't ask.' she mouthed. 

I nodded and went to check on the boys as Zoey was checking for injuries. Malachi explained what happen and I was furious. ZANE how dare he!

Katelyn's P.O.V.

"Flair... I've resigned from the Jury of Nine. I know we can't do that but I'm not going back to O'Khasis." I told her.

"I can't resign yet." she said a serious look in her eyes.

"Why not? What is there left?" I asked.

"Vengance..." she said.

"Elliot didn't have to be dragged into this! It's my fault! If I had played it safe following his orders like you did he wouldn't be dead!" she said hatred lacing her voice.

"Flair I wouldn't have followed that order either. He was going to make you kill the one you loved. He would've had you kill Elliot yourself to prove loyalty. I wouldn't have killed any of my brothers."

"Either way he's dead now and I will avenge him!" she exclaimed.

"Elliot died because I was reckless... Zane put this alarm on me." She gestured to a blue pin attached to the clothes under her armor. 

"I had 1 hour to make it from O'Khasis to Phoenix Drop. It's impossible but I made it then if I didn't bring back Lyra Elliot would've been killed, but Malachi blocked the way. By the time you came in the alarm went off. His death just didn't sink in...

If Zane and Garroth had a little sister. (Minecraft Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now