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A/N: Hey thanks for the support seeing your comments makes my day! I should start the chapter before you all kill me!

Aphmau's P.O.V.


Oh my Irene! He seemed really worried about her!

"Oh hey Aphmau! This is Lyra!" Zoey said.

I had no time to lose I ran out the door back toward my house to get garroth. Dante was there on post. Garroth and Laurence were no where in sight! 

"Dante! Where are Garroth and Laurence!" I screamed.

"Aphmau. First breath tell me what's going on." Dante replied calmly.

"I think I found Garroth's sister but she's apparently adopted if I heard what Garroth said correctly." I explained.

"We should tell Garroth" Dante walked in the direction of the guard's tower. I followed close behind. When we finally arrived, Laurence and Garroth were sitting down resting. 

"Garroth I found your sister!" I told him.

"What? let's go now!" Garroth seemed eager to see her again.

We all headed towards Molly's house. Garroth was carrying a sword that looked like it had been custom made, I had never seen another sword like that. He was the first to enter. Lyra had calmed down but her eyes were still puffy and red. Garroth approached her but she moved away and turned the other way.

"I understand why you left O'Khasis but why did you leave me?" Lyra confronted him.

Silence. Garroth didn't know what to say.

"Why didn't you take me with you?"

"I thought you would be better off with Vylad, Mom, and Dad." Garroth replied

"All of whom I'm not even related to!" she continued. 

"Who told you. I meant to tell Mom and Dad to tell you via Raven." Garroth explained.

"They couldn't have told me because I didn't live with them." she trailed off.

"Vylad?" Garroth guessed.

"Zane" she answered.

Garroth went silent again.

"Thank Irene your safe how can I thank whoever it was that protected you all these years?!" Garroth showed her he cared.

"Drop your grudge against me and pray for Jeffory..."Lady Katelyn stood in the door way.



If Zane and Garroth had a little sister. (Minecraft Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now