Living with Zane

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Living with Zane was never a joy. He had a castle slightly smaller than our parents. I just so happend to be in one of the highest towers. So rapunzel right? No I could leave any time I wanted but Zane knows our parents would kill him if anything happend to their only daughter. Irene knows anyone would kidnap the "Princess of O'khasis" as I was called, so naturraly I couldn't go anywhere without 2 out of Zane's 20 guards tailing me. All I could do in the castle was bake, paint, read and sew. Lady Zianna or my mother did not think it was fit for a lady like me to learn to fight.

Today I was going out into town to buy berries to make paint. Of course I had to ask Zane first. I had specially chosen today because I knew all of Zane's guards were occupied. I grabbed my basket and a few pieces of gold and silver. 

"I'm going out into town" I yelled.

"No you're not. There aren't any guards to come with you" he replied.

"Can't I just go alone!" 

"No. You aren't going."

I rolled my eyes as he walked back up the stairs. I went to look out the window and saw there were guards blocking the doors. I checked all the entrances and they were all blocked. Why did life have to be so miserable.

If Zane and Garroth had a little sister. (Minecraft Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now