December 10th

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Hey guys!
Thank you for everything you have done once more! I absolutely love you all and you have no idea how much confidence you are actually giving me by just following the story or just give it a glance. So thank you.

I know it has been a long time since we last "spoke", but it has just been so though with the last days of school before Christmas. We had a project going on, and I had to dedicate myself to the fullest, so I didn't get time at all to write.

But now it's vacation and Christmas, I'm going to write as much as I can! I'm not going to work so much either so that's good.

Again. Thank you for everything and thank you for understanding.
When Emma woke she groaned as she felt her head hurt like hell. She rose from the couch she apparently had been sleeping on. She blinked her eyes and looked around to see Regina laying in the other couch, still sleeping. Emma smiled at the sight and just laid and stared at the brunette for a couple of minutes until she heard a voice.

"Stop staring at me", Regina said sternly but still soft in some way.

"Two things. One, can't help it. You're beautiful when you sleep. Two. Your morning voice is sexy as hell"

Regina opened her eyes and raised both eyebrows in surprise. She turned to the blonde who laid in the couch staring back at her while smiling.

"What? Lost for words?"

Regina frowned as she heard the blonde. Said blonde was never like this. And probably never will, even if her life depended on it. But here she was. Completely ignoring the blonde she rose from the couch and looked around desperately trying to find a clock.

"It's almost 11 am", Emma said as she noticed the brunette's search.


Emma furrowed her eyebrows a as she saw the brunette jump up from her couch.


Regina and Emma stiffened as they heard Henry yell and walking down the stairs. They shared a look for a couple of seconds and then quickly went to get ready. Emma fell out of the couch because she was in such a hurry.


"Emma for god sake!"

Regina helped Emma up from the floor and they hurried out of the room and was met by Henry in the dining room.

"Henry. Good morning sweetie", Regina said smiling at her son before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Henry smiled and saw Emma standing beside his other mother.

"Did you sleep over?"

Emma chuckled kind of embarrassed.

"Uh yeah kid, Ruby and Mulan kind of took over my house, so"

Henry nodded and smiled.

"Alright. Well I'll go make some breakfast while you guys get ready", he said and walked to the kitchen before any of them could complain. For once Regina accepted her sons choice of action and quickly went to her bedroom, while Emma just stood awkwardly and walked to one of the guest rooms.
When Emma walked through her front door she was stunned as she to her own huge surprise saw her house like she left it. Even cleaner.

Is that flowers on my kitchen island?

Emma walked to the flowers and saw a tiny card on the flowers. She took it and read it.

Merry Christmas (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now