December 20th

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Emma woke as she felt something wet on her nose. Feeling it tickling, she giggled and grinned as she slowly woke up.

"Mmhhh Gina"

The wetness moved down to her cheek and Emma smiled wider.

"Jees Gina, what got you so excited today?", Emma asked and grinned wide.

"Enjoying yourself, dear?"

Emma stiffened and opened her eyes meeting Crevan's grey eyes. Emma let out a scream and jumped up in the bed, forcing Crevan down to the floor. Emma hurriedly tried to clean her face with the sheets, making disgusted sounds as she did. She heard her love's laugh and turned to see Regina standing in the doorway, arms crossed as she's leaned against the wall.

"That was not funny!", Emma said angrily and Regina only laughed harder as she squatted down and taking Crevan into her arms.

"Oh Emma, he just wants some love, what's the damage in that?"

Emma let out a groan and got out of bed and walked to the bathroom closing the door behind her. She needed a bath quick. She could smell Crevan's animal breath on her face and it needed to be cleaned before she puked all over herself. Out in the bedroom Regina stood and grinned as she held Crevan in her arms. The fox licked her cheek and Regina smiled and kissed his head before letting him go.

She suddenly got an idea and smirked to herself as she slowly started to take off her long t-shirt she had borrowed from Emma as she walked towards the bathroom. She let it fall to the ground leaving her in only her panties. She kept smirking as she opened the door to the bathroom and could instantly hear Emma humming in the shower. She pulled down her panties, leaving her completely naked and ready before closing the door behind her. She walked towards the shower and slowly opened the shower cubicle and stepped in, making Emma jump.

"Regina what the fuck?!"

"Now now dear, is it so displeasing seeing me in the shower? Or have you forgotten that I'm in fact pregnant with your child?", Regina asked and Emma sighed and smiled at her lover.

"Of course not. I love your body. It's absolutely gorgeous and perfect for me", she said as she stepped closer to her girlfriend and Regina smiled at her pecked her lips, but her smile faltered after that.

"Thank you, but it won't be soon enough"

"Hey, don't say that. No matter how big you're going to get, I will always love your body the same. No matter what, my love for you will never change or go away. I will always love you and your gorgeous body", Emma said as she dragging her hand slowly down the woman's body. Squeezing her breast and slowly caressing the stomach where their baby lied. She moved slowly further down and was met by a wet center, and it wasn't the water from the shower.

"Oh... A gorgeous body that's obviously ready for me", Emma said and Regina moaned as she felt Emma's finger giving slight pressure on her clit. Emma brought her other arm around the brunette's waist and moved them over to the wall, letting the brunette's leg being wrapped around her waist and Regina instantly brought her hands to the woman's neck.

"Then show me how much you love it", she said and Emma instantly lunged forward and brought their lips together in a heated kiss. She started circling around the brunette's clit and wet opening. Regina groaned into the kiss and brought the blonde even closer. Needed air, she broke the kiss and instantly felt kisses on her cheeks and down her jaw and neck, feeling Emma sucking and marking her.

"Emma please"

Emma was happy to comply. She wanted to give Regina everything she desired. So she instantly brought three fingers inside the brunette's, making said brunette's scream in pleasure. For a moment Emma feared they might have woken Henry, but she couldn't get herself to care at the moment. She was pleasuring her woman and not even their grown son could stop them. She thrusted fast in and out making the brunette moan louder. Emma could feel her love scratching her nails against her back and she hissed at the contact with the sharp nails.

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