December 5th

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As always, Emma got up from bed at 5am and walked to the guest room to get Henry's gift. She teleported quitly to the mansions dining room and heard a loud bang. She quickly hid the gift with magic and ran into the kitchen to see Regina on the floor sitting against the counter sleeping. Emma smiled at the sight but noticed the bottle of wine, that apparently was empty.

She's been drinking

Emma walked to the brunette and took her into her arms and teleported them to the hallway, since Emma didn't know where Regina's room was. She noticed a open door at the end of the hallway and all the other doors were closed. She figured that must be Regina's room and walked to the door entering. She gently closed the door and crefully put the brunette down on the bed. She used her magic to cover the woman with the covers and she walked out. She sw Henry in the hallway and sudenly got worried.

"Ma. What are you doing here so early?"

Emma tensed. She didnt know what to say or do. She didn't have a reason to be here, but she knew she needed to come up with something.

"I uhm. I could sense something was wrong so I transported over here and saw your mom. She doesnt feel so good, so just leave her be today okay?"

Henry nodded and went back to sleep.

"Good night ma"

"Night kid"
When Regina woke, it was still dark. She looked at the clock and sighed as she saw that it was only about 6am. She laid back down and tried to get back to sleep when she suddenly heard someone snoring. She turned and saw Emma laying beside her. Regina stiffened as she saw the blonde. She didn't know how to react to this. It was wired. But at the same time, she felt incredibly safe. She smiled at the blonde and put her hand on the womans cheek.

You're beautiful

Regina moved closer to the sleepng blonde and smiled once more.

"I don't know how to say this", Regina started whispering looking at the still sleeping blonde.

"I don't know what I feel right now. I don't know anything right now. All I actually know, is that I feel something for you. I feel something I probably shouldn't. You're Henry's other mother. It's wired in some way. Also when you think about it. I'm also your stepgrandmother. It's indeed wired. Really wired. But I can't control what I feel. And surprisingly enough, I don't want to control them. I've always loved control. I crave for control. I once believed that I coulnd't live if I didn't have some kind of control. But with you, I don't care if I'm the one being controlled. It's always you. Snow White's daughter"

Regina lauhed lightly at the thought.

"I tried to kill you. Destroy you. I did the curse because of you, and I ended up falling in love with you"

Regina stiffened as she heard her own words. She was surprised by her own choice of words. She let herself carry to far. But it was too late to deny now. She was in love with Emma and she could do nothing about it.

But what about the secret admire? What about him? Her? He or she deserved a change. He or she made the first step after all. Maybe I should just wa-


The familir sexy morning voice broke through her train of thoughts and she looked up to see the blonde staring back down at her.

"Are you okay Regina?"

Regina nodded and removed her hand from the blonds cheek, but Emma quickly took the hand and stopped it from leaving her cheek. Regina looked at Emma with adoring and confused eyes and Emma assured her.

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