December 13th

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The next morning Regina was woken by her alarm and she groaned as she slammed at her alarm making it stop. But now she couldn't sleep, so she groaned once more and stood from her bed making herself ready. When she walked out of her room ready for her day, was met by Henry in the hallway.

"Good morning Henry", she said and kissed her cheek. Henry groaned a "morning" in response making his way to the bathroom. Regina chuckled at her son and followed him with her eyes till he reached the bathroom and closed the door. She sighed and walked down to make breakfast.
Emma woke by a different alarm. Or rather a breath. She could the breathing in her face and she opened her eyes and was met by brown eyes.

"Oh... Hey buddy. What uh..."

She turned and looked at the clock. 7:38 Emma sighed and turned to the fox.

"Have you been sleeping in my bed?"

The fox continued to stare, but now laid down in the bed. Emma sat and scratched it behind its ear and the fox easily leaned in to the touch. Emma smiled and titled her head to the side in wonder.

"Regina calls you my son. Well then may—", Emma stopped in her mid sentence as she suddenly realized that she didn't even know if the fox was a boy or a girl. Her eyes wondered to its bag legs and looked back to the foxes eyes.

"Excuse me"

She took one of the foxes bag legs and lifted it. She may not be an animal expert, but she knew enough to know that the little dangling thing between its legs was its penis. Emma smiled a little and put down its leg.

"You're a boy. Alright uhm.. Well I don't really know what to call you. Uhm... What about rocky?"

For the first time, the fox actually showed its feelings and eyed the blonde like she was an idiot. Emma lifted her hands in surrender.

"Alright alright, uhm... Max?"

Another glare.


Another glare.


Now a deadly glare.

"Right. That won't work. You're orange", Emma said and laughed at her own inside joke. She thought about a proper name for the fox and suddenly it clicked.

"I know a name for you!"

Before she could tell the name, she heard a knock on her door and she saw the fox staring at her bedroom door.

"Come on. Let's go see who it is"

Emma jumped out of bed, the fox already running down the stairs before Emma could even get some clothes on. She chuckled and quickly put on some sweat pants and a sweater before walking down and hearings someone yelping on the other side of the door. When she was down all the way she saw the fox scratching the door with its paws.

"Hey buddy stop that!"

The fox immediately stopped and lowered its head in shame. The fox obviously knew who his master now was. Emma opened the door and saw her mother.

"Emma. What was that thing? Did you get a dog or something?"

"Sort of", Emma chuckled and opened her door further to reveal the little fox. Snow immediately smiled and eyed the fox in wonder.

"It's a fox!", she exclaims and Emma smiles at her.

"Yeah. It is"

"What's its name?", Snow asked and got down on her knees stretching out her hand for the fox to sniff. The fox got curious and slowly walked towards the waiting hand of the new woman in its life.

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