Decemeber 2nd

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When Emma woke she could smell the smell of candles.

"My head", she groaned as she rose from the couch she was apparently laying in. When she turned she saw Regina sitting in the chair reading her book. Regina felt the eye stare and looked up.

"You're awake. Good. I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong"

"Wrong? Why?"

Regina smiled and shook her head playfully.

"Well you did get quite the amount of liquor down your system"

Emma's eyes widened and looked at the brunette with almost scared eyes.

"Did uhm... Did I, you know..."

"Do something stupid?"

Emma nodded.

"Of course not. Didn't you say I wasn't there to tell you you were being stupid? But I was here now, so no you didn't", Regina said and stood from the chair and went to the couch.

"Here, take this. You're gonna need it", Regina said and gave her an aspirin.

"Thanks", Emma murmured as she took the pill and swallowed it dry.

"So what happened?"

"MOM!", Henry yelled as he ran to the living room, oblivious to the interruption once more.

"Don't yell Henry. What is it?"

"It's the secret Santa. He's given me another present"

Emma and Regina smiled as they saw their sons happiness.

"Well open it kid. Let's see what your Santa gave you today", Emma said and smiled at him. Henry sat down on the couch between his mothers and opened the big box revealing knew sports shoes.

"Wow! I always wanted those!"

Regina smiled at her sons outburst but still felt a little uneasy by all the anonymous gifts. Emma notices the worry in Regina's eyes and instantly knew.

"I will go and try them!", Henry said and left the room. Emma moved a little closer to the brunette and put her hand on the brunette's knee.

"I know you're worried about these gifts, but don't. The person who gave him these gifts, are a person who knows him. Meaning, the person's from Storybrooke"

Regina sighed and eyed the women.

"It's you isn't it?", she asked after a couple of seconds of staring. Emma's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


"Don't lie to me Emma, you know I can see right through you", Regina now whispered, as they both knew Henry was right on the other side of the door. And before Emma could even react, Henry walked in and was now wearing his new shoes.

"They're really awesome! And right my size! How did this person know?"

"Henry everybody know you. And they probably asked someone who knew if they didn't themselves", Emma said and smiled at him. Henry nodded and walked back out.
Emma walked inside Granny's and sat at the counter.

"Hey Ems. What's up?"

Ruby stood in front of the blonde and smiled at her.

"What happened?", Emma asked, immediately knowing something what's different. Ruby's face reddened and looked around flustered.

"What? What are you talking about, nothing happened"

Emma saw right through the lie and was about to say something when the bell over the door rang and Mulan walked inside. Emma saw the happiness in Ruby's eyes and instantly knew.

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