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Hey everybody! The last chapter! What?!

I can't believe I'm actually done with this story! I mean, I started almost a year ago (december 5th) and I had this idea of following up with the dates, but look where we are now. A year later and I'm FINALLY done.

I would love to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your support on this story! It has been absolutely amazing to write and follow this story with your guys till the very end, and I can't believe it's already now. I feel like I started yesterday. Time is running so fast! Damn!

I know many of you hated me for killing of our dearest Crevan, but I promise you i have made up for it in this chapter.

I must admit I cried a lot writing this last chapter. But it was happy tears! (And some sad, but you'll understand why).

But I have gotten an idea. But it depends on you guys. I know many of you don't want to say goodbye to these people and this story (and trust me, you don't want to say goodbye to these children, when you meet them in this chapter). So if you guys want me to continue the story in a SEQUEL, tell me! Cause I would love to. But it depends on you guys. So don't expect everybody else to do it and just think 'she'l do it anyway', because I won't. And two people isn't enough. So if you want a sequel, tell me. Don't hold back.

Again, thank you for all of your support. I dearly hope you like this last chapter.

1 year later

The morning sun had just crossed the horizon when the Swan-Mills family was woken by their usual alarm they've had every morning for the past 4 months. It was always the triplets that was up first, no matter what time it was. But they certainly each had their own timing.

Crevan, their youngest, always woke up screaming in the middle of the night and after some time, Emma and Regina found out it was because he was hungry, so they automatically agreed it was Regina who took care of that. At rare times, they had made him a bottle before going to bed and when the time was it, Emma took care of it and gave him his bottle. But of course at times the stubborn kid wouldn't even look at the bottle and just cried louder until he got his mommy's breast. Sometimes Emma even got a little jealous of how much Crevan got to suck on her nipple.

Violet, the middle kid, as Henry called her, was surprisingly the calmest one. She was already awake at time when Crevan was screaming for his nightly milk and was just laying there beside her brother calm as the wind on her heating sunny day. Both Emma and Regina had many walked in and met a hysterical Crevan and a calm Violet who simply smiled at her mothers when she saw them. But to their bug disadvantage, Violet was also the most attention seeking of all of them. The moment she saw her mothers, she wanted their attention. No matter what they were doing.

Emma had always said that Violet would be their bitchy daughter and while Regina had multiple times said that she wouldn't be at first, the woman slowly had to give in as time passed by. She would become the most spoiled kid for Emma definitely. But they all knew Crevan was Regina new little prince, and while she might not admit it, her little favorite. At times.

Rooney, their oldest, was anything, if not a tomboy. She was the oldest after all. She was, as Regina like to call her, all Emma's. she was a sleepy head and could sleep through anything. Even Crevan's loud screams, and how she did that, was beyond Emma and Regina. But they of course loved her regardless. And to their huge advantage, she barely screamed. Just like her little sister, she woke up and was pretty calm. But unlike her sister, she didn't seek attention. It was already obvious she sat her brother's and sister's needs before her own and she wanted the their best before she wanted her own. It wasn't often she asked for something, and she barely communicated with her mothers, but when she finally, she wanted all the love she could give. It would most likely be at times when they needed their nap time and her two younger siblings were already asleep. Because once her siblings were sleeping, she knew that was her chance and she cried and screamed if she didn't get what she wanted. Even if it was a simple hug or kiss, and it took Emma and Regina longer to get her to sleep than the two others.

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