December 9th

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Hello everyone!

I want you guys to know that I'm absolutely amazed by all your comments and follows and everything! You have really made me happy and I couldn't personally thank you more.

As for the story. I have come to the conclusion that I don't have enough time to write and being able to catch up with the dates. So I'm very sorry. But I will of course continue this story till the end. The story will have 25 chapters, so that's when it ends.

About "A Stranger In Storybrooke". I will continue that story as well. I write on both of my stories as much as I can. But you know how it is to be young and a writer. Writing takes time. A lot of time. And with school all, I just don't have the time. That's why this story has very small chapters. I want to give you guys much more, but if I did, I would be done in January. And we can't have that.

Again. Thank you for everything you've done for me! I couldn't be more happy than I am right now.
Emma woke as she heard a scream in her head.

What the hell?

She quickly got out of bed and ran down stairs only to be met by Regina standing in the corner in her kitchen.

"Regina? What are you— why are you standing in the corner?"

Regina pointed at a point behind Emma and the blonde turned and saw a fox standing looking at them. Emma stiffened and slowly walked backwards towards the brunette.

"Alright. Let's uhm. Let's calm down and figure this out", Emma said trying to breathe normally as she stood in front of the brunette. Despite her frightens, Regina couldn't help but smirk.

"Who would have taken the sheriff to be scared of foxes?"

Emma couldn't help rolling her eyes. She looked at the fox who had walked closer to them. She cleared her throat and swallowed a lump.

"Uhm... Ma-maybe it's hungry? Yeah that sounds right. What does a fox eat?"

Regina furrowed her eyebrows.

"Do I look like a fox expert to you? How would I know?"

"Geez Regina, I was just asking"

Regina softened and looked down.

"I'm sorry. I just... I just want it out of here!"

"And it will be soon, but give me a minute", Emma said and looked at the fox that now slowly started to enter the kitchen. Emma turned and looked up at her cabinets on the walls which contains the food. She swallowed another lump and turned around and opened the contain above them and looked around. She spotted a can of some kind of meat. She took it down and when she looked down, she suddenly noticed how close she and Regina was and swallowed thick. She couldn't help herself to look down at the brunette's lips and looked at the scar. She instantly knew she wanted more than anything to kiss that scar. Both women completely forgot about the fox, locked in each other's eyes. Emma, not wanting to ruin the advent calendar for the brunette, swallowed thick once more and turned to another container finding a little bowl to the food. Regina stood stiff now knowing what to do. She was a second from kissing the blonde and suddenly just stopped.

Why the hell didn't I just kiss her?! Why the hell did I stop?!

She thought about it for a moment before sighing deeply.


She was brought from her thoughts a she heard a quiet

"Hey sweetie"

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