Chapter One

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"Ebie, mommy said uppy" Georgiana said poking my face, I groaned but slowly opened my eyes, to no surprise there was my five year old sister with a pacifier in her mouth and her blanket in her hand, she poked my face again 

"Georgie I'm up you can stop doing that" she giggled and ran out of the room, as soon as she was out I locked the door and grabbed my phone from my bedside table, as soon as I grabbed it I had regretted picking it up, as the screen lit up I saw the texts that were always true, yet horrible from Laylani, my ex best friend.

"Fatty, please go die"

"Demi got you for publicity"

"Everyone knows she only likes Georgiana, she's cuter, thinner, so much more than you will ever be your worthless piece of shit, I couldn't even sell you for free nobody would want something as disgusting as you"

"Kill yourself, cut deeper, vertically"

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I made my way to the bathroom, my mind fighting itself. I reached under the counter for the special object that would make my pain go away, with just a few swipes, I watched the blood mesmerised by the way it rolled down my arm. After a few more swiped I cleaned up and hid the special object. I reached for the hidden scales and stood on them 87 pounds, I burst into tears consumed by the Demons of my mind.

After I had hidden the scales I walked downstairs to the dining room "babygirl please eat it" mom pleaded with Georgie, I watched as Georgie shook her head and pushed the plate of mashed bananas away 

"milky" Georgie pleaded back, mom shook her head 

"baby, you need to eat that" the toddler child banged her fist on the table and pushed the plate further off of her high chair, this kid seriously has a problem, she won't eat solid foods, she won't sit in normal chairs, she's not even freaking potty trained, at the moment mom is in her fourth attempt to potty train her and it's not going well, but she refuses to give up this time. I coughed to get moms attention knowing that it wasn't going to work, so I turned around and walked up to my room.

I had sat up her consumed by my deadly thoughts an hour too long, so I decided to go see mom. I walked down to see her playing barbies with Georgie, I went and sat next to her, deciding to see how long it takes for her to notice me.

An hour, I've been sitting here for a fucking hour and she hasn't noticed me, I'm right next to her for fucks sake, "baby, do you gotta go potty?" Mom asked a squirming Georgie

 "no" Georgie replied and continued playing 

"are you sure?" Georgie nodded her head , she was yet to acknowledge my presence either, although she knew I was here, unlike mom. 

A mere five minutes later Georgie burst into tears "I sowwy mommy" mom looked at her confused before realising what had happened 

"baby, I asked you if you had to pee and you said no" Georgie cried harder 

"hey baby it's okay, we'll just clean you up its okay, don't cry babygirl, then we'll go find Evie" even though it's happened for the past few years I still get jealous when Mom calls Georgie babygirl, it's my old nickname from before Georgie was adopted, she never calls me it anymore, mom picked Georgie up and turned to face me, she jumped a little bit

"You scared me, How long have you been down here?" she smiled 

"long enough" I mumbled before turning around and walking to the front porch, crying silently. I needed someone to hug me, so I called the first person who came to mind, Marissa, she's always been a good snuggler 

"hey beautiful" she beamed happily, I let out the sob I had been holding back 

"Evie, what's wrong?" I sighed 

"please just come pick me up, I need you" I heard her yell to her roommate and pick up her keys 

"hang in there beautiful, I'm coming" I hung up the phone and curled into a little ball. Ten minutes later I felt someone tap me on the shoulder 

"M-Mar" I asked weakly 

"come on, I'll take you back to my new apartment" Mar called to Demi she was taking me out for lunch and we drove to her apartment. Once we arrived she threw her keys and guided me to the couch, 

"what happened beautiful?" I clutched onto her like my life depended on it 

"she's forgotten about me Mar, she doesn't even care anymore" I heard the door shut and someone threw their keys onto the counter which coincidentally landed next to Mar's 

"baby, what are you doing here?" Dallas, she ran over to us and hugged me, but stopped when she noticed the tear stains 

"what's wrong, who hurt you I swear I will hunt them down and stab them" I had both girls in a death grip 

"what do you mean by she forgot you" I sighed 

"I sat next to her for an hour, and she didn't even notice, she was too focused on Georgie, I just needed a hug, I miss her like crazy, but we live in the same house, and whenever she isn't working she's with Georgie, she has no time for me, I can't even remember our last real conversation" Dallas picked me up off of Mar and hugged me tighter 

"baby, she loves you, it's just Georgie is like a three year old, and you have to pay attention to her or she'll do something she's not supposed to, but what Demi is doing is not okay, and we're going to sort it out" Dallas carried me out to the kitchen 

"you're light" she remarked under her breath, hoping I wouldn't hear. She picked her phone up from the bench and dialled Demi's number 

"Hey Dal" Demi's happy tone rang through the speakers 

"Hey Dem" 

"so whatcha calling for?" 

"I want to know where Evie is" 

"With Marissa, out at lunch" Dallas shook her head and sighed 

"no she's not Demi" 

"What do you mean Dal?" 

"She's with Mar, don't worry about that, but they aren't at lunch, instead they're back at our apartment, Evie is crying her eyes out, whilst me and Mar hug her" 

"what! Is she okay? She hasn't has she, oh god what if she ends up like me, why?"

 "Calm down Dem, she hasn't from what I know of, she was crying because of you" 

"what! What did I do?" 

"When was the last time you had a proper conversation with Evie?" 

"A year ago" Demi and I answered at the same time 

"Demi, she sat next to you for an hour this morning and you didn't notice, the poor kid just wants a hug Demetria, she wants to be loved, god damn it can't you see that, she loves you" I heard Mom start to cry, 

"mommy don't cry please, I'm okay, I love you" I begged 

"b-baby, I'm so sorry" Dallas sighed 

"I'll bring her back, and you two can talk" 

"okay, thank you Dal" 

They hung up and Dallas lead me to her car.

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