Chapter 16

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I'm so tired, everything hurts. I'm physically incapable of fighting like this, it's honestly killing me. I didn't want to tell mom, I didn't want her to know that despite everything I still want to give up. However there was something inside of me that told me I wasn't allowed to, that I had to keep fighting, no matter how exhausting it was. Mom was pulling me from school and hiring a tutor to home-school me, in a last attempt to make things easier for me without harming my future, if I even have one, she wasn't happy when I told her that I probably wasn't going to have one and she should leave me to die, so much so that she made me sleep with her that night, which was last night. Mom still hasn't let me out of her sight, if I even try to leave while she busy doing something she'll turn around and give me the eyes, telling me to sit back where I was, it was starting to get annoying, why can't people just let me do what I want, it is my life.  

I mean I get that she's only doing it because she loves me, and I love her even more than she'll ever know, but that's why I needed to do this, to protect her. Anyways, she has Georgie, she doesn't need me, Georgie is literally the baby that she didn't get. 

"Evie?" mom said putting her hand on my cheek

"hmm?" I replied, slightly looking up at her concerned expression

"what were you thinking about baby?" I shook my head, symbolizing that I wasn't going to tell her

"please don't shut me out babygirl, I want to help you, I need to help you" 

"I'm fine mom"

"That's it, I'm booking you in with Daisy" mom said throwing her hands up and walking out of the room, obviously upset with me. I curled myself into a ball and sunk into the corner of the couch, afraid that she might hurt me. Tears fell onto my knees as I shook with anxiety, waiting for the screaming and the pain to come, just like when I was younger. 

"You've fucked this up Evelyn, you'd better not move"

I sat still, like they had told me to do, they were right I have fucked this up she's going to hit me, she's going to hit me!

I'd been sitting like this for an hour and mom hadn't returned so I quickly ran up the stairs into my bedroom and got under my bed. I heard the door open and my breathing hitched, here we go, she's going to hit me now. 

"Evelyn, I know you're in here" mom said

"baby, come out from under there" I can't, she's trying to lure me out, she's just going to hit me I know it!

"babygirl please, come out I want to talk to you" I heard her sigh after ten minutes of silence, then I felt her grab my ankle

"NO! please don't hurt me. Help!" she pulled me out from under the bed and wrapped her arms around me, cradling me like a baby. I was stiff in her arms, part of me still felt like she was going to hurt me

"baby, please look at me" I quickly obeyed to avoid making her angrier, she felt my tenseness and moved me off her lap onto the bed, she then sat next to me

"I would never ever hurt you Eve, you know that" she said, her eyes beginning to water  

"everyone says that, they don't mean it though, they always hurt you anyways" I mumbled

"I mean it babygirl, I love you Eve" 

"You really don't though, it'll get to a point where you don't need me anymore, because you have Georgiana, and that's when you'll hurt me, just like before" a tear rolled down her cheek

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I got caught up with Georgie, I never wanted to hurt you baby" she turned away to wipe away her tears, I guess she was hoping that I wouldn't see he crying. It hurt me that she was crying, but in another way it was almost like she was feeling my pain. I slowly crawled up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She turned around quickly and wrapped her arms back around me, I unexpectedly began to cry on her shoulder. She held me for an hour, letting me cry on her shoulder, doing nothing but holding me

"I'm sorry Eve, I'm really sorry babygirl" I shook my head and looked up from her shoulder, wiping away my tears 

"It hurts mommy, everything hurts!"

"I know, I know baby"

"I want it to be over"

"then we have to fight, I promise I'll help you, if you promise to help yourself"

"I promise" 

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