Chapter Two

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Dallas pulled up to our house "baby, if you ever need to talk, or something is bothering you and Demi is busy or you can't tell her call me, and I'll take you out for ice cream and we can talk okay? I love you so much beautiful" I nodded and kissed her cheek 

"I love you too Dal, I'll see you at acting class tonight, can you pick me up? I'd rather not have Georgie throw another tantrum out front" she nodded and hugged me before I got out of the car and walked to the house. 

I walked straight in and followed the sound of crying, when I arrived in the playroom Georgie was throwing a fit on the ground, I rolled my eyes and walked away knowing that I wasn't going to get that talk with mom anytime soon. As I was about to open my bedroom door I felt someone wrap their arms around me, 

"I'm so sorry babygirl" my heart fluttered as she called me babygirl 

"it's okay mommy, I love you" she turned me around and kissed my forehead, then she picked me up and carried me to the living room, where Georgie was already glued to the TV 

"she's really light, maybe... No Demi, she couldn't" Mom mumbled under her breath, I silently cursed myself for letting her carry me. We sat down on the couch snuggled next to each other 

"I missed this mom" she sighed 

"I did too baby" Georgie turned around and scowled at me, she got up from where she was sitting and grabbed one of her metal toy things that hurt like a bitch when you were hit with it, she walked up to mom and I and hit me quite hard in the shin with the metal toy, I squealed 

"Georgiana Harlow Lovato, that is not okay, you don't hit people that's mean, say sorry to Evie" she scowled at me again 

"my mommy" she reached her arms out for mom, but mom shook her head 

"Georgiana, apologize now!" Georgie shook her head and started crying, I could see mom was fighting the urge to pick her up, she turned her head to me 

"are you okay baby?" I nodded but she wasn't convinced, Georgie was still crying 

"that's it, you hit me, that's not okay, and now your going into time out, where you will sit for 5 minutes" I said picking Georgie up off the ground and placing her in her bed, she surprisingly sat there for five minutes and then fell asleep, I went downstairs waiting to be yelled at by Demi for disciplining her child 

"good job baby, I would've never been able to do that" we walked back to the couch and continued cuddling 

"can I look at your leg?" I gave her my leg 

"fuck! That's bad" I shrugged, 

"are you doing okay baby? What have I missed?" I sighed and decided to tell her about Laylani 

"you know not much, just the fact that my best friend turned on me and now hates my guts for no apparent reason, sends new texts everyday, the usual" Demi gasped 

"baby, can I see the texts" I shrugged and threw her my phone, it's not like she could find out my secrets from these texts, her eyes grew watery as she read the texts

 "baby, you know your none of these things right? I love you just as much as Georgie, if you ever wanted to... To cut yourself you'd come to me wouldn't you? Or had bad thoughts about your body" I nodded and she breathed a sigh of relief. 

Demi and I had been talking for two hours when Dallas' car horn beeped "bye mom, I love you" she kissed my forehead 

"I love you too baby" I walked over to the car and jumped in 

"hey baby" Dallas hugged me from where she was sitting 

"hey Dal" as we drove we continued with small talk. 

We walked into the studio and Dallas handed me a costume "this is what your going to be wearing today beautiful" she kissed my cheek and walked off in another direction leaving me panicking as the costume had no sleeves. 

I sat in the corner in tears for about ten minutes until Dallas had noticed and rushed over "baby what's wrong" she asked pulling me into her embrace 

"I can't wear it" I sobbed into her shoulder 

"why baby?" I tried to think of a good excuse 

"it's too small" she raised an eyebrow at me 

"can I see" I shook my head, she picked me up and carried me to the changing rooms 

"please baby, change so I can see it, I know you didn't try it on" I sighed and put it on trying to figure out the best position to keep my arm so she wouldn't see the cuts, I found one and walked out, she gasped as tears formed in her eyes 

"t-that's the smallest one we have, baby, there's no way that healthy" I looked at her funny 

"it's t-too big" she sobbed, I threw my arms around her 

"please don't cry Dally" I said whilst wiping her tears away with my thumbs 

"Evelyn, please tell me that those aren't what I think they are" she gently grabbed my left wrist and turned it over showing the cuts and scars, she started to sob harder "

I'm okay Dally, I'm fine please don't cry" she shook her head 

"you're not fine baby, you're hurting and taking it out on yourself, it just kills me to see you like this, why baby?" I looked away from my crying aunt 

"because it helps, it gets rid of all things bad in the world, all the pain and suffering gone, with just a couple swipes" I admitted in a low whisper "

I'm cancelling acting class tonight" I didn't even bother arguing knowing she had made up her mind. After Dallas had notified everyone acting class was cancelled we walked to her car 

"baby I know you have an eating disorder" I shook my head 

"that costume was a 00 baby, it's not healthy how skinny you are" I sank back in my seat 

"please don't tell mom Dallas, it'll kill her please Dally" I was fighting back tears 

"I won't but you will"

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