Chapter Six

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After we had finished filming Marissa, Lily, Meghan and I went out for lunch, I sat next to Marissa "babe, I know it's hard for you but you have to eat" she whispered, I shook my head and crossed my arms across my chest, Marissa sighed 

"I can call Dallas and tell her you won't eat" she whispered again, I shook my head fiercely 

"please just eat something baby" I sighed, but shook my head again 

"Ev, please don't make this difficult" I flipped to the low calorie section of the menu, Marissa sighed and flipped it back to the normal menu, the waiter came over to our table, he took Lily and Meghan's orders and then turned to Marissa and I 

"I'll have the fettuccini pasta, with Coke and she'll have the same" she said quickly before I could protest, I could feel my chest tightening up, pasta is one of my trigger foods, like food is a trigger for me, but pasta makes things ten times worse 

"so Ev I have some exciting new to tell you!" Marissa said happily, trying to distract me 

"what?" I answered not looking up 

"well you know how I was telling you Dallas and I were waiting on the new roommates?" I nodded, again not looking up 

"well the new roommates are Lily and Meghan" I smiled and looked up at them, I had gotten more comfortable with them whilst we were filming 

"we can stay up and eat pizza, and watch movies" Lily suggested 

"there will be no staying up for you Evelyn" Marissa said trying to sound like a mother and failing epically 

"you tried Mar that counts, but I don't like pizza" of course I don't, all those calories it's disgusting 

"WHAT? You don't like pizza" Lily shouted

"it's gross" I said shaking my head. The waiter set the pasta down in front of me and I started to panic, there was so much, and all the sauce and I just can't eat this, not now, not ever, that's like 100 pounds right there. My mind started to wander imagining what I would look like if I were 200 pounds, it was not a pretty sight, in fact it was disgusting, I felt a tear run down my face and brought my hand up to wipe it away, then tugged on Marissas arm 

"I-I can't please d-don't make me" my voice was a shaky whisper, as more panic overtook me 

"oh my god, I'm so sorry baby, I forgot about how triggering pasta is, shit um, breathe, deep breaths in and out" I laid my head on Marissas chest and started to copy her breathing, just as my breathing had gotten back to normal I spotted her, and she's with Laylani? What? 

"Marissa, we have to leave now!" My voice laced with fear as I trembled being hit with a whole bunch of memories,

 "baby if this is to get out of eating" I shook my head 

"please t-trust me, we need to leave right now" she picked me up and left money on the table, then motioned for Meghan and Lily to follow us out.

 I buried my face in Marissas shoulder, mumbling "mommy" over and over again whilst tears streamed down my face, Marissa got in the back seat with me, whilst Lily and Meghan got in the front Lily driving 

"please drive somewhere away from here and then I'll explain just please get me away from here" I rushed out 

"mommy! I need mommy!" Marissa pulled out her phone 

"Demi?!" Marissa yelled frantically 

"meet at my apartment ASAP!" She put the phone away and Lily drove to Marissa's/hers I guess? We got out and Marissa picked me up running inside, frantically pressing elevator buttons. Once we got inside we were met with a panicked Mom and Dallas who looked scared 

"what's wrong? Evie baby why have you been crying?" Mom rushed over and took me out of Marissa's arms cradling me in her own, I sobbed harder whilst Meghan and Lily walked in awkwardly and sat at the table 

"shh babygirl tell me what's wrong and we'll fix it" I shook my head, I didn't even want to think about it yet say it out loud, why was she with Laylani, if she was with Laylani then she has my number, I panicked more 

"babygirl, you're scaring me, breathe in and out with me" she gently placed my head on her chest and I copied her breathing 

"good girl, that's it" she kissed my forehead 

"are you ready to talk now" I shook my head 

"babygirl whatever it is I promise we will get through it, together" I shook my head again 

"what happened?" She turned to Marissa, who looked petrified 

"she was just about to eat and she looked over somewhere and freaked out, she begged us to leave the restaurant, she was begging for you, didn't stop mumbling mommy the entire ride home, I swear I don't know what happened" I clung to Demi, then realized Laylani, knew where I lived, she's going to kill me, SHES GOING TO KILL ME, panic over took me again, but mom was quick on it and stopped me from having a full blown panic attack 

"deep breaths babygirl, nice deep breaths" she rubbed my back and rocked me back and fourth 

"okay, what's on your mind that's got you this panicked? You're honestly starting to scare me, Marissa is petrified, so is Dallas, Georgie hasn't taken any notice thank god, and Meghan? Lily? Are both petrified too" I shook my head 

"she was looking at someone, with a young girl about her age" Meghan said 

"was it Laylani?" Mom asked, I nodded and shook my head 

"what do you mean?" I nodded again 

"so it was Laylani? She's what's got you worked up?" I shook my head, my mind still racing about how she was going to kill me, I took a long deep breath and exhaled slowly, then repeated that, I looked around the room at everyone, then locked eyes with mom 

"she's back, she going to kill me, she was with Laylani" I cried out 

"who baby? Who's going to kill you? Who was with Laylani?" I sighed and took a deep breath

 "she's back mommy, I'm scared, she's going to hurt me, she's going to kill me, she said so herself, mommy she said if I told she would kill me, mommy it's Agatha, Agatha was with Laylani in the restaurant, Agatha is back!"

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