Chapter 11

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I kept running until I made it to a forest, I had nothing with me, only the clothes I was in which although they had long sleeves were not that warm. I don't know why I acted the way I did, I was just so overwhelmed and angry, now I guess I'm scared, I acted so terribly to mom.

I got out of the forest and came across a bridge, I walked onto it and sat next to the edge. There was something about it that made me not able to leave, I felt it drawing me there and I kind of wanted to jump. I quickly got up and ran away from the bridge, I might be angry with her but I could never let the words I said to Demi be the last I ever said to her. I felt terrible and disgusted with myself for what I said, I don't hate her, I love her more than anything in the world, but I'm terrified to go back because of what I did.

I am a monster, I hit her. I did the one thing I've promised to never do. After years of abuse from my parents and aunt and cousin, I hit and pushed away the one person who means the world to me, and now I'm all alone again. I felt myself being drawn back to the bridge, this time I was going to jump. I shoved my hands into my pockets finding a piece of paper and a pen. 

'I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry.

I screwed up, I fucked up so bad. I did the one thing I promised that I would never do , I promised myself I would never do it and I did. I hurt the one I loved more than anything in the world, I told them I hated them and punched them, and it hurts so fucking much. I am a monster, I am worse than Agatha, because she didn't love me and she hit me. But I, I hurt the one I love, I hurt my saviour and I can't live with myself not anymore. 

momma I want you to know that I didn't mean anything I did, I was overwhelmed with emotion and I couldn't handle it, I took my anger out on you and I shouldn't have. Thank you for everything you have done for me, you saved me from everything bad in the world. Except myself, the one monster that no one could save me from. Please don't cry I'm not worth your tears. I know that soon enough you are going to win that grammy you deserve, you are going to be happier without me. 

I'm sorry but I can't pretend to want to live anymore, because the truth is I don't I just want to die.

I'll be your nightingale from now on

I love you all, but momma, I love you the most, more than anything in the world

Evie x

I put the note in my pocket and climbed the railing of the bridge, I looked down at the concrete below, and was just about to jump when someone pulled me back "get the fuck off of me" I screamed squirming around.

"I'm taking you to the hospital " The female voice said, putting me in her car.

She carried me out of the car and into the hospital, "I found her about to jump off of a bridge, I don't know her name, but I do know she needs to be here" A male nurse took me off of the woman and took me to a room. He placed me on a hospital bed and left the room, all I could think about was how stupid I was, so I began to scratch the under of my eyes until they bled, the nurse ran back in and restrained my arms to the bed.

"what's your name?" he asked, I ignored him and tried to move my arms, but couldn't as they were restrained to the bed

"what's your name?" he asked coming closer, dragging something with him 

"I need you to tell me your name, if you don't speak we could get you a piece of paper" I looked away and tried to get my hands out of the restraints, I succeeded and pulled my hands back up to my eyes, scratching them harder making blood pour out from them, the nurse grabbed my arms and put them back in the restrains this time making them smaller  

"I need to clean your wounds, on your wrist and your eyes" he said taking a cotton ball and dousing it in something, he then proceeded to clean my wrist, it hurt like a bitch yet I couldn't make a sound.

After cleaning up my wrist he moved to my eyes, I moved my head before he could place the cotton ball on my wounds, he sighed frustrated and moved his arm to follow my eyes, I quickly turned my head the other way. He held my head in the same place and cleaned my eyes, it stung more than anything but I couldn't move my head away

"now that's done will you please tell me your name?" I ignored his presence again, he looked at me for a second and then left groaning. 

This place is torture, I've been in here for two days and every hour they keep asking me what my name is. They finally stopped but said something about police, I honestly wish that whoever saved me left me to die because it would be better than laying here "nameless child, we've contacted the police, they have people coming down to identify you" I shrugged and the nurse left the room

I heard a gasp from the door and didn't bother to look up "baby?" Dallas, it was Dallas I could tell by the voice, although her and mom don't sound to different I could tell that it was Dallas. I felt arms wrap around me and tears fall onto my shoulder

"what happened to you eyes?" I shrugged, she sighed and looked down at my wrist

"you scared us baby, Demi hasn't stopped crying for the past two days, Marissa is with her right now, she couldn't even come in, in fear that it wouldn't be you" I looked away from her as a tear rolled down my cheek 

"baby, why won't you talk, they said you wouldn't tell them your name, they said you haven't eaten, and all you've done is stare out that window" I shrugged again and she grabbed my hand which was still in the restraint 

"why have they restrained you, fuck this I need answers I'll be back in a second" Dallas walked out of the room and came back dragging the nurse back into the room

"why is she in here? What happened to her eyes? And why the fuck is she restrained?" Dallas yelled at the male doctor

"someone brought her in here because she was a danger to herself, in other words she was about to jump off of a bridge" A sob escaped her mouth 

"She scratched at her eyes until they bled and that's why she's restrained but since she is your kid, you can now sign her out and take her home" Dallas looked over to me and grabbed the papers from the nurse quickly signing them.

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