Chapter Five

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There is something about the blade that makes me want more, it's like my own personal cocaine, except it's not illegal and I have control over whether it kills me or not. As a child I never imagined being taken away from my house in Florida, my parents loved me up until I was four, then something happened and they were mean, it was an overnight thing, the next morning I woke up and there was no good morning kisses instead I was avoiding flying vodka bottles and being beaten to a point where my entire body was covered in bruises, I never stopped loving my parents, until they sent me to live with Aunt Agatha, so that they could flee to London never to be seen again. Aunt Agatha was arrested when one of Jacobs friends had told the police of everything they had done to me, and that's when I was taken to the orphanage. When Demi adopted me I was scared, every time she touched me I flinched, but one day I had a dream, the dream, and I was so scared I crawled into bed with her, she sang me back to sleep and that's when I knew I could trust her, she didn't get mad I had woken up, she was worried but she didn't get mad. Just as I thought I was going to be happy the blade creeped into my life, I was ten, people had called me all these mean things, things that Agatha and Jacob used to say, I found a metal thing in Demi's bathroom, when I was first adopted I had seen her use it, and I always hugged her and told her I loved her, she was sent away a year later, I dragged the blade across my skin and blood started to pour out, I was scared so I screamed and Demi ran in, I remember the exact words she said "babygirl please don't ever do this to yourself again, you're my little skyscraper and without you I wouldn't be here today"

"I'm so sorry momma" I cried into my bloody hands, Dallas ran into the bathroom 

"baby" she mumbled and picked me up, removing the blade from my hands flushing it down the toilet, she grabbed the first aid kit down and wiped my cuts before wrapping them. 

After she wrapped them she pulled me into her embrace and carried me out to the couch, checking her phone and sighing "Marissa, what are you doing today?" She called out 

"filming a video with Meghan and Lily why?" Dallas sighed 

"because I can't leave Evie here alone" she leant down and kissed my temple 

"she can come with me" Marissa yelled back 

"okay" Dallas then picked me up and carried me to the kitchen handing me a fruit salad, I pushed it away and mumbled 

"not hungry" Dallas shook her head and stabbed a strawberry with the fork and then placed it to my lips, I pushed her hand away, she shook her head and placed the food near my mouth again , I sighed giving up and eating it. 

Dallas fed me the rest of the food and then made sure I was with Marissa before kissing my cheek and running out of the apartment. "Let's go kiddo" Marissa said grabbing a bag off of the counter, and then grabbing her phone and car keys. We arrived at the place we were going and Marissa ran in pulling me along 

"Rissa!" Meghan cheered and ran up to her hugging her, Lily hugged her too then Meghan turned to me 

"hey cutie, I'm Meghan" I stuck my hand out for her to shake but she hugged me instead 

"I'm Evelyn" I mumbled 

"you want to be in the video with us? It is your moms product" I nodded and went back to Marissa, wrapping my arms around her 

"what's up babe?" I hugged her tighter 

"I love you Mar" she turned around 

"I love you too Ev, what's wrong?" I shook my head and a couple of tears ran down my face 

"Ev, babe, tell Auntie Mar what's wrong" I looked into her eyes 

"I'm scared" she kissed my forehead 

"they love you baby, it's okay, there's nothing to be scared of" I nodded and we went and sat down at the desk, where they had moms product sitting, I sat next to Next to Marissa and Meghan 

"okay guys here we have Marissa back for another guest spot, because she's just the cutest thing ever" Lily introduced 

"awe thanks" I laughed at the look on Marissas face 

"you may have seen her before" Lily added 

"in the background of paparazzi photos" Meghan laughed 

"literally the worst" Marissa laughed 

"anyways, she's childhood best friends with Demi Lovato" Lily said 

"my biff" I laughed again 

"and we also have Demi's adorable daughter Evelyn" Meghan added 

"so we thought we'd dedicate this episode to trying out her new product" Marissa flipped the box open and everything fell out, all four of us started laughing 

"I put them in the little holes I thought they would stay" Marissa chocked out. We were half way through filming, and Meghan was spraying Lily from across the desk 

"wait! Fuck! I need to call Demi!" Marissa yelled pulling out her phone, I laughed at her only just realizing that, after three rings mom picked up 

"Hey Mar, what's up? How's my babygirl?" Marissa looked at me 

"yeah Dem, about your babygirl I have a question and I really hope you say yes" I giggled at her, she looked kind of scared and it was hilarious 

"please tell me that's her giggling" mom said half worried 

"look Dem, I brought Evie here with me to film and we're kind of halfway through the video and she's kind of in it and I forgot to ask you if it's okay" mom laughed 

"if she's okay with it I'm okay with it" I stole the phone off of Marissa 

"mommy! Auntie Mar dragged me here and is making me do this video" I whined whilst Marissa shot me death glares, I poked my tongue out at her 

"Marissa! Why would you do that?" I handed the phone back to Marissa and started to laugh tears running down my cheeks 

"I'm totally kidding mom, I love you" I said as I wiped my eyes, good thing it's no makeup Monday 

"I love you too baby, but be nice to Mar okay" I nodded and realized she couldn't see me 

"yeah momma" Marissa shook her head and mouthed dork, 

"Dem say hi you're on beauty break sort of" Marissa said 

"hey y'all, you should go buy Devonne by Demi at" mom laughed and Marissa said her goodbyes, Marissa then hung up the phone, Meghan and Lily were also laughing, Marissa was trying to keep a straight face but ended up laughing too 

"your ass was going to get whooped Marissa, and you looked deadly afraid it was priceless" she smacked my arm 

"your mother can be scary when it comes to you okay?" I shook my head and laughed at her.

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