Chapter 10

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Momma carried me into the house "baby you are going to meet your family now, I'm sure they'll love you as much as I do" Momma and I had flown to Dallas, Texas earlier that morning and I was really nervous about meeting her family

"Demi? Is that you?" Someone called through the house, they ran into where we had walked in and wrapped their arms around us

"wait, back the truck up, why do you have a child?" the mysterious woman who looked only a tiny bit older than momma asked

"Dallas meet my daughter Evelyn, Evie babe, meet Auntie Dally" I whimpered and hid my head in Momma's shoulder

"baby she won't hurt you I promise, she isn't like her" Momma soothed rubbing her hand up and down my back

"how old is she Dem?" I looked at Dallas and held up eight fingers

"Eight? but you are so little" Dallas said surprised, I blushed and looked back away

"Mads is upstairs Dem, she'll be happy to see you, and happy that she has a new little friend to play with" I tensed up at the words stairs, remembering all the terrible times with Aunt Agatha

"baby I'll carry you up them it's okay" she knew about my fear of stairs, because she knew about my past with Agatha. Dallas looked quite confused about my behaviour, and looked to momma for answers

"her past wasn't that great" was all momma said, before starting to walk up the stairs whilst I clung to her shoulder.

she flung the door open to reveal the person who I guess is Mads "DEM!" the girl said running up to her and hugging her

"who's that Dem-Dem?" Maddie asked pointing to me

"that is my daughter Mads, Babygirl say hi to Maddie" I waved shyly before looking back over Demi's shoulder

"how old is she?" Maddie asked curiously

"Eight Mads, will you keep her company, I'll be back in ten minutes, baby play with Mads, I'll be back I promise" Momma said putting me down and kissing my forehead before leaving the room

"listen here fatass, that's my sister who you are taking away from me, I know she doesn't love you, who would, I mean your own parents put you up for adoption, how else would Demi have got you" she walked closer to me and I backed out of the room, standing at the top of the stairs.

she ran forward at me and pushed me down the stairs, I started screaming and wailing, momma ran towards the stairs and looked at me 'baby what happened?'she asked picking me up, I screamed again as pain shot through my leg

"baby what hurts?" Momma asked worriedly as Dallas ran into the room, I pointed to my leg, she looked at it and gasped

"that's surely got to be broken" Momma said picking me up and rushing me out to her car

"DALLAS! CAN YOU DRIVE" Momma screamed into the house, Dallas ran out and grabbed the keys off of Momma

I sat up drenched in sweat, I realized I was in my bed which means I probably fell asleep on mom and she moved me here. This nightmare always made me want to cut and purge even if I hadn't eaten, Maddie hated me when I first came into the household, it turns out my leg was broken and I had to be in a cast and practically carried everywhere, I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom grabbing the blade I had hidden.

I sat for a while before walking out of my bathroom and into Momma's bedroom, I opened the door and saw she was asleep. I stood there for a while before she sat up "baby?" she got out of bed and walked closer to me flicking on the light and gasping when she saw what was in between my fingers

"baby, give it to me" she said coming closer to me, I shook my head and backed up, making me even more anxious

"babygirl, stop backing up I'm not going to hurt you, but I'm also not going to let you hurt yourself" She quickly grabbed the blade and put it on her dresser , before wrapping her arms around me and pulling me towards her bed.

"what happened? why babygirl?" I looked down to my hands and shuffled them

"I had the dream about Maddie, momma I really wanted to do it but something stopped me" I admitted wrapping my arms around her

"I'm so glad you didn't do anything baby, what about that flashback makes you want to hurt yourself?" momma asked kissing my forehead

"she hated me when she first looked at me, she called me fat and she pushed me down the stairs just like Agatha" I said shaking, my breathing becoming erratic 

"baby, breathe" I shook my head and continued to hyperventilate 

"Evelyn breathe, with me" Mom said sternly putting my head on her chest

"focus on my heartbeat, feel my chest moving up and down, hear how my heart beats, you're okay babygirl and no one can hurt you while I'm around" my breathing slowly turned back to normal 

"Maddie did, and you were in the house when she did it!" I cried, hitting momma in the shoulder. I wriggled out of her arms and grabbed the blade off of her drawer, she jumped off of her bed and ran after me.

I quickly got into my bathroom and fell to the floor, not hesitating to drag the blade in my hand across my skin. The door burst open and I shuffled into the corner of the room holding the blade in my hand, I heard sobs coming from the door and someone wrapped their arms around me, I clung to the blade not wanting it to be taken away from me 

"give it to me" a voice I recognized as moms said sternly, I shook my head and pushed her off of me

"leave me alone" I growled, placing the blade on my wrist again, Mom leapt forward and took it out of my hands, flushing it down the toilet.

I started to scream and pushed her back again

"why did you do that! I needed that, I needed it for fucks sake" I growled kicking around, she picked me up off of the ground and put me on her lap

"leave me alone, I hate you" I screamed jumping up and running out of the bathroom. I got downstairs and ran out of the house not looking back. 

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