Chapter 4

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"What have you done this time Evelyn" Aunt Agatha said as she grabbed me by the ear and dragged me to her car 

"I swear I didn't mean too, it fell I didn't even touch it, I swear Aunt Agatha I would never break her vase on purpose" she slapped me and threw me in the car 

"don't back talk me you worthless little brat and don't you dare lie, I know you broke that vase on purpose little menacing piece of shit" a couple of tears fell down my cheeks as I remember that was what all the kids at school had called me, she turned around and shook her head 

"oh stop it brat you know you deserve every bit of punishment I give you, if not even more, god damn it you are so unappreciative of the parents you have and then I am left to deal with you, nobody even wants you, I could kill you and no one would care would they?" I nodded and wiped my eyes knowing that I would only get more punishment if I disagreed with her, I was truly terrified though, she said she could kill me what if she does, I don't want to die, even if mommy and daddy don't love me I love them. We pulled up to her house 

"you're seven now, old enough for my new punishment" She smirked evilly, I became more and more afraid of what she was going to do, her punishments now are really bad, what could be worse, she grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me out of the car, slamming the car door shut 

"you listen here brat if I hear that you've told anyone about what happens to you at this house I will kill you and no one will ever know, you got that" I gulped and nodded my head? She slammed the door to the house shut behind us pushing me towards the stairs, then slapping me again, 

"Jacob, get down here now" Jacob was her 16 year old son, she was nice to him, I'd never seen her lay a hand on him, he was mean to me though, always punching me or pushing me downstairs just like Aunt Agatha, Aunt Agatha had a daughter as well, she was really nice to me, and even stopped Aunt Agatha from hurting me a couple of times, but she moved away and I haven't seen her since, she was ten when she left, I think she's with her dad, I wish she was here to save me, 

"coming mom" Jacob yelled as he ran downstairs 

"she's all yours, you may do whatever you like with her" his eyes lit up and he dragged me upstairs, as soon as we got to his room he kissed me 

"w-what are you doing?" I asked scared, he unbuckled his pants leaving him in his boxers, he pushed me to the bed and started to touch my privates, 

"stop I don't like it" he kept touching me, and started to kiss my neck, I became more afraid than I already was but I remembered that if I told anyone Aunt Agatha said she would kill me, he got off me revealing a huge bulge in his boxers, he took off my pants and underwear and then proceeded to take off his. He forced himself into me, it hurt a lot, he started pumping in and out, I started to scream 

"get off me you're hurting me" he moaned, ignoring my plea for him to get off "

GET OFF, OW, PLEASE, OWW, STOP" I moved my hands down near my privates 

"STOP PLEASE, JACOB, STOP IT YOUR HURTING, STOP" I started to cry, tears streaming down my face 

"STOP, PLEASE, OW, ST-" I was cut off by a slap across the face "

shut up you worthless piece of shit, before I kill you" why does everyone want to kill me, I'm so scared, Jacob and Agatha never lied, and they both want to kill me 

"PLEASE JACOB STOP, IT HURTS, OW, OW" he slapped me again 

"I said shut up you little bitch" he grabbed a glass bottle and broke it slashing my leg with a piece of broken glass "

little bitch, now you're going to get blood on my clean bed" he was still inside me and it still hurt, not to mention my leg was now bleeding 


"EVELYN BABY, ITS JUST A NIGHTMARE!" Dallas and Marissa's voices woke me up, it's been a long time since I had, had that flashback, I used to get them all the time when mom had just adopted me, but she got rid of them 

"what's wrong baby? What happened?" I shook my head 

"they're going to kill me" I screamed 

"baby who? Who's going to kill you?" Dallas asked kind of freaked out 

"I n-need m-mommy!" I cried out, I remembered that I had my phone in my pocket and got it out dialing moms number, I was shaking and sobbing in Dallas' arms while Marissa rubbed my back, after a couple of rings mom picked up

"Baby, it's 3am why are you calling me, wait are you crying? Baby what's wrong? Are you hurt?" she asked her voice raspy, I couldn't stop thinking about the dream, which only made me sob harder, I didn't reply
"She was asleep one minute and then she started screaming and crying, saying please get off me it hurts!" Marissa explained, the words made me cringe and sent me into a bunch of flashbacks making me panic more
"Baby calm down, I'm here, breathe with me, that's it, now explain what happened and I'll help you" mom said calmly
"I h-had the d-dream m-momma, I'm so scared, they're going to kill me, I told you and now they're going to kill me, I love you momma, I'm sorry" I said in between sobs
"Babygirl it's okay calm down, he can't hurt you, he's locked up, and so is Agatha, nobody is going to kill you, you're going to be alright, you have Dal and Mar, and they're going to protect you" I shook my head
"But momma it was so real, it hurts, I can still feel it, I need you" she sighed
"Baby, Dal and Mar are going to keep you safe, I love you alright, try to get some rest, I'll see you next week"
"Momma no please don't leave me, I l-love you"
"Baby I love you too, I promise I'm not leaving, I'll be back next week"
"Can you sing me to sleep?"
She started to sing, after a couple of songs I fell asleep.

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