Chapter 15

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After we'd showered we returned to where Dallas and Marissa were with Georgie. I love my girls more than anything but god am I grateful for Dallas and Marissa, I don't know where I'd be without them. I held Evie's hand as we made our way to the table, from the looks of it Marissa and Dallas had gotten Georgie to eat a whole solid meal, which was certainly progess. Georgie's mental age has slowly been improving, enough that I am quite confident that she's going to be potty trained within the next two months or so. Her psychologist said it was probably best if we work on small things one at a time with potty training being the last thing to focus on. Evie sat down next to Marissa at the table, I slipped my hand out of hers and walked to the fridge to grab her some breakfast. I grabbed a tub of yogurt out and also grabbed some strawberries and blueberries.

Once I had finished making her breakfast I placed it in front of her and smiled at her. She looked at it and then looked at me, soon returning her gaze to the bowl. She took a deep breath and shook her head 

"come on baby, you can do this" I encouraged, she grabbed her spoon and started to eat her food. I was extremely proud of her when she finished the entire bowl and quickly pulled her into a hug

"I did it momma!" she cheered, making me smile even more

"you did babygirl and I'm so proud of you" she smiled widely, then moved her hands to her stomach

"you okay hun?" I asked as her mood fell quite quickly, she nodded biting her lip, I thought a little bit before responding 

"it hurts doesn't it?" I said as I remembered my very first days in treatment, she nodded and tried to smile but couldn't bring herself to it 

"babe it's okay, don't force it" Marissa said noticing her continuously trying to smile to only end with her wincing in pain

"how about we go to the grove, get your mind off of it?" Dallas questioned

"okay" she said, as we were all already dressed I grabbed the diaper bag and we all got into the car.

We arrived at the grove forty-five minutes later, Evie seemed to be feeling a little bit better and was wincing a lot less. We got out and were quite lucky as there were no paparazzi around, Georgie grabbed Dallas and Marissa's hands and they began walking towards the mall.

"you feeling any better baby?" I asked as Evie slipped her hand into mine

"a little bit, it still kind of hurts but I'm glad we're all spending time together, it's already helping get my mind off of things" I smiled at her and we quickly followed the others.

"where do you want to go first?" Dallas questioned as we began walking around

"can we go to Janie and Jack? Georgie needs more clothes" I said, everyone nodded and we walked off to Janie and Jack

"Hey momma, can I pick out a few outfits for her?" Evie asked shyly

"of course you can bub, go crazy" she laughed and walked away with Dallas, they both began to search the racks for cute things Georgie could wear. Marissa, Georgie and I all started to look around as well.

After about ten minutes Evie and Dallas ran to us with their arms filled with clothes. There was certainly enough there. I giggled at them and then took Georgie to go try on some clothes, I couldn't help but notice the nervous look Evie had on her face as I entered the change room with Georgie

"okay baby, let's get you changed" I took off the clothes she was wearing and tried on one of the dresses, which was a little big but she would grow into it. Once I had tried a few more and was certain with the sizes I dressed Georgie in what she was wearing and walked out to find Dallas bent down to Evies level hugging her, Evie was facing away from the change room so I couldn't see her face but I knew something was wrong. I shot Dallas a questioning look and she mouthed 'I don't know' back. I walked over to the counter and quickly paid for Georgie's clothes before heading back to Dallas, Evie and Marissa. Evie was still hugging Dallas and I knew that something was wrong, they pulled apart and Evie began walking in front of the rest of us, but not to far ahead. I walked up next to her and out my hand on her back, she stopped moving and looked at the ground

"baby?" I said trying to get her to look up, but failing as she didn't remove her gaze from the floor. I put my fingers under her chin and lifted her chin

"what's up bub?" I asked, studying her facial expression

"I-I feel r-really c-clingy momma, I just w-want you here" she admitted in a low whisper

"hey baby it's okay, I'm right here, how about I hold you hand?" she nodded and slipped her hand into mine, I quickly kissed her forehead and we continued walking. We decided on going to Topshop, which like me is Evie's favorite store but once we arrived she just wasn't herself, she seemed so uninterested. Dallas and Marissa took Georgie to surprise Evie by getting her a few outfits, giving me the chance to properly talk to her

"what's up babygirl" I asked bending down to her level, Topshop was practically empty which was surprising, but the grove was quite empty today too

"I don't know momma, I feel scared when you leave but I feel like I'm being a little to clingy. I think I'm just scared that I'll give in and purge or harm myself" I engulfed her in a hug

"you will never be to clingy babygirl, I get that your scared and trust me I'd rather you follow me everywhere than hurt yourself in any way" She smiled a little bit and I kissed her forehead. After she said that I noticed she started to relax a little and look around, even picking a few things out for me which was pretty cute.

Dallas, Marissa and Georgie came back with a few outfits and I went with Evie to have her try them on. After she tried all the outfits on we paid and decided it was time to go home as Georgie was becoming a little bored with shopping. We all got into the car again without paparazzi bothering us and started the journey home.

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