Finding our stuff

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[ the avengers are online]

Steve- okay! We need to find where fury hid our stuff

Clint- i agree with steve i haven't read hunger games in four weeks and like i said last week I NEED TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS!!!!!

Carol- CLINT!! calm down we will find where he put our stuff

[ fury has logged on]

Fury- ahah! You will never find it because i hid them in a place where tony would never think to look

Kate- really fury? Again with the ahah!

Tony- hey! Why me? Anyway where would i never think to look?

Fury - you guys will have to think about that next time you listen in on a privite conversation

[ fury has logged off]

Carol- okay guys this is easy where would tony never go?

Anjelica- to the bathroom!

Tony- hey! Wht does that mean

Anjelica-O-o ..........

[ anjelica has loged off]

Kate - what about a taxi?!


kate- it was just a suggestion

Carol- and why were you yelling?

Clint- i yell when i get excited

Kate- since when do you do that? I have known you your whole life an you don't even yell when your mad!

Steve- anyway bck to the taxi thing

Tony- okay everyone check a few taxi's and we will meet back here in one hour

| one hour later|

[ the avengers have logged back on]

Kate- okay how many taxi's did everyone check? I got 16

Clint- 17


Thor- 15

Carol- 24

Tony- how did you get that many?

Carol- super strengh, duh!

Kate- anyway

Hulk- ME GOT


Clint- did you just smash them?

Hulk- :)

Steve- i only got 1

Carol- WHY???

Steve- well i got into one to check it out and this guy started talking to me an i didn't want to be rude because he was elderly so i stayed and listend an it turns out i saved him in world war II

Tony- oh you fish

Carol- um . . . . . . .

[ maria has logged on]

Maria- here avengers your stuff!

Clint- wait why are you giving us our stuff back?

Maria- uh,

Kate - you broke up with nick didn't you?

Maria- mabye

Tony- who cares we have our stuff back!

[ the avengers and maria have logged off]

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