CHAPTER- 8(My Knight)

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"At last. I found her again. I won't let her leave", a familiar voice says.

"Boss, she won't be able to leave. Atleast not on my watch", an unknown voice said.

"I will make her forget about him, I'll make her mine", the familiar voice said.


"Wake up bitch. I want you to know what I do to you. I eant you to feel the pain. I want you to remember everything", the familiar voice said. I didn't want to open my eyes but I had this certain urge to open them. The eay this person spoke to me scared me to death.

I opened my eyes to see Mark standing in front of me. A familiar voice. His voice. He has kidnapped me. U was scared. Really scared.

"Don't. Please don't. I beg you, don't", I literally begged.

"Yes, Evelyn, thats right. Beg for me. But not for this. Beg me to do things to you. Dirty things, you sl*t", Mark said.

"Help me. Somebody help", I shout.

"You wh*re there is no one here. Your son of a b****,your Knight is no where near to help you", Mark laughed an evil laugh. He came near me. I tried to go back but I was tied up. He pulled me by my hair and came near my face to kiss me. All of a sudden I felt all Mark's wait goes away from my body.

"Not my girlfriend, you bastard", it was Harry. My Knight. My protector. My everything.

Harry started to beat him really bad. Mark deserved it. But a part of me wanted Harry to stop. What I didn't wanna say I said.

"Stop! Harry stop! You'll kill him", I shout.

"Eve, he deserves to die. He has no right to live. He beat as shit now he gets the same", Harry said.

"No Harry. Don't be so inhumane. Look at me", I said and Harry looked at me. His eyes were all dark and full of hate but as soon as he looked at me it changed to love and care.

"As you say", Harry said and got up.

"One last thing", I said before going back with Harry. "No one. And I mean NO ONE calls my boyfriend a son of a b****", I said and hit his crotch with my foot".


We reached home.

"Evelyn, you are not going out anymore. Unless you're with me or Harry. Otherwise you stay at home no matter what. As long as I am incharge you're not going anywhere any time soon", Brad said. I heard his torturous lecture with concentration.

"Are you even listening to me", Brad asked very angry by now.

" Oh god yes! I will not go anywhere until and unless you or Harry is with me. Now can I go", I said.

"Fine. Go to you're room", Brad said.


Its been 2 months since that kidnapping incident. And 1 month since I have been living with Harry. No we have not done anything if thats what you wanna know first. Harry drops me and picks me up from school. Harry and Brad are now really more protective about me than they were when I was kidnapped.

I was waiting inside the school boundary for Harry. He was never late to pick me up. I was about to walk outside the school gate when someone pulled me.

It was Jake.

"Jake leave me. You're hurting me", I said, trying get out of his tight grip.

"No. You don't understand. I have waited for this day for months now. You are going to be mine", Jake said.

Am I crazy for wanting you?- A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now