Hey Neighbor

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Jared Gilmore

A lot can happen when your cute neighbor is an actor.

Warnings: small injuries, reader watches a lot of TV

Personal Rating: 7/10
You whistle as you walk your bike out to the streets. Frost kisses your nose and the thick jacket on you is the only thing keeping you warm.
Winters in Vancouver, Canada can be the worst at times. At a whopping 2 degrees, your breath can be seen in front of your eyes.
You mount yourself on the bike, peddling forward towards your school. Your school is not but a few blocks away. You simply have to pass by a few houses. Suddenly while you bike towards a house, a boy is facing away from you, taking up the whole sidewalk. You can't stop so you turn your bike into the bushes, falling off your bike. You groan and hiss, an the brown-haired boy who was standing there notices your pain, and helped you.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Yeah yeah"
He holds out his hand to you. You take his soft, warm hand and he pulls you up. You pick up your bike from the bush, which was fine aside from a few minor scratches, and thank the boy, "thanks"
But he just says:
"You know your bleeding, right?"
You look down and see blood on the floor, trailing from your knee. There's also a large cut on your elbow.
"Yeah. Um....Ill be fine, hopefully"
"Here, come inside to clean up" he offers. You glance from
him to your bike. Two options: keep riding or receive help from this boy.
"Please, it's my fault"
You nod, kicking the kickstand of your bike down. He leads you into his house, saying I have band-aids but for that scratch on you elbow you're going to need one of those tape things.
His house was fairly nice; similar to yours, but bigger. You pass a cage that holds two Guinea pigs.
"Let's see, ah! I knew there were band-aids here. Okay, here's some Neosporin and two band-aids. Put that on while I go get the wrap thingy-actually. It's not that big. May be I could go get some paper towels to stop the bleeding and then put some Neosporin on that and then you'll be fine. Would that be okay?"
You nod.
"You don't say much, do you?"
You shake your head.
"That's okay. I used to not say that much when I was younger. You can put it on on my couch" he says, getting paper towels. You rub some Neosporin on your leg, placing band-aids on it.
"I have some wet paper towels to help clean up the bleeding" he says, "Hold out your arm"
You do.
He dabs at it gently and carefully, like your delicate and actually worth something. Your silence throughout the process, though when he finishes, he starts up again, "Do you live nearby?"
You nod.
"Cool. I'm Jared. Jared Gilmore" he says, throwing away the wet paper towel, "What's your name?"
Your eyes flick up towards him, and you answer quietly, "Y/N"
He smiles, "Nice to meet you, Y/N"
You stand up, and stare at Jared, and you say, "Thank you"
He smiles wider, "Where do you live?"
You eye him, suspiciously, "How I know you're not some murderer or kidnapper?"'
He chuckles, "You really don't. But considering I just helped you out without hurting or kidnapping you, I'd say your fine"
"Two houses away. I'm 108" you reply, reluctantly.
"Cool. I live in San Diego, but I come here from August March"
"That's....pointless. Why not just live here?"
"Because my family and friends are down there"
"Then why come up here?"
"Uh......" He drags on, "Well. It's kind of a secret. You can only know if your my friend"
"I thought I already was your friend" you say, curious.
"Well, if you must know, I'm an actor on a TV show that's filmed up here"
"Really? What's it called?" You asked, intrigued.
"Once Upon a Time" he says, "Come over tomorrow at five and we can watch some episodes" he says.
You smile and nod, "Ok, Jared"
He smiles, you start, "Well, I've got to get to school. Thank you"
He smiles, "Whoops sorry about that. Hopefully you're not late"
You glance at the clock. It's already 8:30, the time your first class begins.
"I am. But it's okay"
"You're so tiny!" You say, when Henry, Jared's character is first on the screen. You decided to take Jared offer, since you typically have absolutely nothing to do after my  homework.
"Well, it began in 2011"
"You were so cute"
"You saying I'm not cute now?"
"No, it's just....you're so cute"
"Sure" you say, rolling your eyes, shrugging. You continue to watch the episode, with mystery and action ahead of you. By the end of the first episode you were hooked.
"Can we watch another one?"
"I would say yes, but I have to go film"
"What season are you filming?"
"What are you doing?"
"Can't tell you because it'll be a spoiler"
You pout your lip, "Fine. I'll catch up. When's the next time I can come over?"
"Hmm....two days? Monday? At five?"
"Yeah. I'm going to watch some episodes on my own if you don't mind, so I can catch up to you"
"Be my guest, it's a pretty dang good show"
You smile and wave him as you exit.
You come into Jared's house at five, and he leads you to his couch, "What episode are you on?"
"Season 3, Episode 1"
"Woah. You like to binge-watch"
"When I get obsessed, I get obsessed" you shrug.
"Okaaaaay. So you completed season 3? Or you have to watch it?"
"I haven't watch it. I'm kinda excited though, because Peter Pan is one of my favorite fairytales"
Henry laughs.
"You know Pan...never mind. I'll let you find out"
He presses play, and you end up watching five episodes, where you're stunned that Peter Pan is a villain.
"One more please!" You say after the fifth.
"Nope. I've got night filming. I'm sorry. I mean, I can text your phone if you'd give me your number"
You smile. You're glad your developing some kind of a relationship, unlike before when you had no relationship with anyone except your mom.
"Sure. I never do anything with that darned thing anyways"'
Jared: I'm so bored DX
You: Why?
Jared: Idk I'm not filming and you're not here.
You: Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm watching Once Upon a Time.
Jared: What episode?
You: Apparently Peter Pan is Rumple's dad.
Jared: Jesus, it's only been a day.
You: I'm aware.
Jared: Well, tomorrow's Friday.
You: No, I though it was Wednesday.
Jared: Ha ha. Do you want to come over and watch some more?
You: Duh. I don't have anything else to do. At least nothing important.
Jared: I was hoping you would say that. Cuz I just got this huge thing of popcorn and I realized I can't eat it all myself.
Jared: I mean, I could, but I'd look weird.
"Hey yo. What episode are you on?" Jared said, leading you into his house.
"Season 3 Episode......20? Where Zelena stole the baby"
"It's only been a week since you started watching the show, Y/N. I think you're watching just a little bit too much TV"
"Now you're sounding like my mom" you scoff.
He smiles, "Fine, fine. We might be able to finish the season if we hurry, so come on. I'll get the popcorn and you start up the next episode"
You hop onto the couch, and grab the remote. Once on Netflix, you choose Once Upon a Time, and pick the episode you were on.
"It was actually episode 21!" You yell out to Henry. He brings in a whole tub of popcorn, and you widen your eyes, "Are we supposed to eat all of it?"
"I don't expect you to. But so I probably will, knowing myself" Jared says, smiling.
You press play, and Jared fetches you a blanket. He lays it over the both of you, and he asks, "Do you ship Captain Swan?"
"I used to ship Swanfire, but now I ship Captain Swan" you say.
"That's good. My favorite ship is probably Snowing"
"Snowing is great and all, but so ship Hen-Y/N" you say, chuckling.
Jared looks at you confused, "What's Hen-Y/N?"
"Henry and me. Duh" you say, smiling, your eyes trained away from Henry on the screen.
"You ship yourself with a fictional me?"
"When you put it that way it sounds weird. But, technically yes"
Jared starts to say something, but you press a finger to his lips, "Just watch the TV"
You can feel his smile form as he brings his knees to his chest.
"You're cute" Jared says.
"I know"
One week later, you're completely caught up with the show. You watched about half of them with Jared in his free time. He filmed at night or during the morning when you had school, which meant you both spent time together each afternoon. Sometimes he had his tutor over, or he had to film in the afternoon, and you'd have to leave, but pretty much he was open.
It was now the beginning of December, and as you walked home from school (yes, walking, the snow made biking almost impossible to not slip) you stopped at Jared's house.
"Hey, I was just wondering if-"
"Ah thank god. I hope you'd stop by-"
"Huh? Why?"
"Because I always look forward to seeing you. Also, I lost my phone so I didn't have any communication with you. But I was just wondering if you were free tonight"
"Tonight?" You asked, eyes widened, "Yeah. Why?"
"I was talking with Adam and Eddy, and they said it'd be okay if you came and watched some of our filming"
You smiled brightly, "Really?"
"Yeah really!"
"Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes. This is such an honor!"
"Well, thank me later. Help me practice my lines?"
"Are there any spoilers?"
"Not ones that you know we won't encounter"
"What does that mean?"
"Like, you know I'm gonna have to be an angsty teen eventually; I'm texting Violet on my phone" he said, putting air quotes around the word dad.
"Okay, then you be my Emma. I think I memorized everything. Here"
"I just think the over all plot for the show is brilliant" you say, sitting in the backseat of Jared's car. His mom is driving him to the studio, where he's going to film in the Underworld.
"It's what attracted Jared to the script. He loved to read"
Jared turns around to smile at you, "Key word: Loved"
You smile and roll your eyes at him. He just smiles bigger.
They hand in some sort of pass to a security guard at the outer gate, and then drive in. They park near a building.
As soon as you exit the car, you stare up at the tall buildings.
"Wow" you breathe.
Jared comes up behind you and suddenly wraps his arms around your waist, and places his chin at the top of your head.
Well that was sudden.
You smile and let it be, saying, "This place is so cool"
He removes his hand, and slides it down to yours, saying, "Come on in. There's so much to show you"
These were the sound stages that he would be filming in.
"This is one of my favorite sound stages. Granny's"
"Oh god" you say, exited.
He opens the door, and he leads you through another door that said, "Authorized Personnel Only"
You smile brightly, "Jesus this is a dream come true"
He smiles back at you, and suddenly, your jaw drops.
You feel like you're walking on the street to Granny's. There are people in black going in and out of the Granny's.
"Come on, I want to introduce you to the cast"
"The cast?"
"Yeah. Lana, Jen, Ginny....."
"They're here?"
"Of course!"
You smile, and again he takes hold of your hand, and leads you into Granny's.
Inside, stand Emma, Snow White, and The Evil Queen, in these normal clothes, talking to one another, coffee in hand.
Ginnifer looks your way, her eyes lighting up. She nods her head in my direction, and Lana and Jen look at me.
"Are you Y/N?" Ginny asks me.
"Yeah" you croak, excited.
"Oh! Jared talks about you non-stop!" Jen laughs.
"I do not!" Jared yells.
The girls simply laugh.
"So, what are you filming today?"
"Well, a little discussion in granny's, then we lowkey make fun of Henry and him texting his girlfriend" Jen says.
"Sorry, Ive just never been on a film set before" you say, awkwardly.
Jared smiles and places a hand on your back.
Suddenly, the director calls for Jared and he says, "I promise I'll be back"
As soon as he leaves Jen turns to you, saying, "Ooh. He like you"
"What? Me? No. We're just-"
"Friends? Do you see the way he looks at you?" Ginny says.
Lana says, "He looks like at you like you're an angel"
You blush, "Thanks. But he lives in the US"
"But he's up here like 3/4 of the year" Ginny says. Suddenly Jared comes from behind you and says, "Do you want to come to my dressing room real quick?"
"Sure" you say.
As you leave, Jen, Lana and Ginny all wink at you.
"Do you like this?" He asks, leading you away. He leads you into a room full of costumes, and a man sitting at a desk in front of it.
"I love it" you say, "It something I've never dreamed of"
The man hands Jared a costume. It's the cliche very sweater-coat and stripes scarf.
"Here. You want to wear this?"
"Your costume?"
"Yeah why not?"
You shrug, "I mean...its you-"
"Just put it on"
You smile and place the coat over your existing clothing. The coat was warm and the scarf heated your neck.
"You're so adorable" he says, "Can I take a photo of you and post it on my Instagram?"
"Sure. I don't see why not"
You smile and lift your arms up, showing how big the sweater is on you.
"Done" he says.
"We should probably get back to 'the set'" you say.
"Yeah. But, Y/N, Im gonna need my costume"
"Right" you say.
"But if you're cold you can have this jacket" he suggests.
As you remove the costume, he glances around. We're currently alone in some hallway, and may be he feels nervous about being here with me alone.
"Alright, let's go" I say, handing him the costume, and trying to get him out so he won't be nervous.
He grabs my wrist, "Hold on, Y/N"
"Yeah?" You ask, stopping.
"I want to try something. I mean, if you want to stop we will but I just want to try it"
"Oh okay......" you drag on suspiciously. He stands right in front of you, and takes your hands. His breaths are unsteady, but he holds his hands still. He stiles his hands up to my cheeks.
Then I know what's going to happen.
He presses his mouth to mine, gently. He's waiting for my reaction. I relax my shoulders, which were tense, and wrap my arms around his body.
He smiles, and almost laughs, and continues to kiss me gently.
"WOOOOOOO" someone yells. We quickly pull away, and stare in the direction of the noise, and see someone with a video camera.
"What the heck Lana?"
"Got it on video! This ones going on my twitter"
He turns back to me and says,
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
Your heart stops, "YES!"
You go back to kiss him, and you kiss once again.
All this because he was your neighbor.

Henry Mills/Jared Gilmore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now