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~ Henry Mills~

A/N: Before you read this, I just thought you should know that this is definitely not one of my best works. I've just been thinking so much. About life. That's all. More is in the Post- Author Notes.

I just wanted to tell you that this one kinda sucks.

Reader over thinks everything.

Warnings: none

Rating: 1/10


Can't wait to see you tonight.

That's the text Henry sent three minutes and twenty seconds ago. Twenty one.

Can't wait to see you tonight.

When first glanced at, it looks like a text sent from a boyfriend to their girlfriend- except, you're no where near the sort. But that doesn't mean you don't want to be. Tonight is the first time that you and Henry are going on a date-like thing. You're actually going to see movie.

However- is this like a date or like a hangout? You've been friends for about a year now, and of course you have liked him since you met him. So this "date" (or not date) is really going to impact you.

You look back at my phone, which tells me that its 4:23- seven minutes until the event. Then you look at the text.

Can't wait to see you tonight.

That can mean a multitude of things.

a) I want to see you to the point where I literally cannot wait anymore because it physically pains me to be away from you
b) I'm being extremely sarcastic to the point where I don't want to go with you
c) the simplicity could imply he's not really interested
d) the simplicity could be him trying to be cool when really he's totally in love with me
e) his mom made him go in this date

There are even more interpretations to be listed, but it's a 50/50 chance he's actually excited to see you.

Oh god. That means there's a 50/50 chance you'll be crying myself to sleep.


After the movie Henry and you are wandering Storybrooke, with the set destination of your house.

"You look really nice" he says.

a) you actually look nice
b) the phrase is so overly sarcastic it means you look uglier than a deformed aardvark.
c)his mom is making him compliment you

"Thank you" you respond.


"How was the movie?"

a) he's making pleasant conversation
b) he's so bored he can't think of anything else to say
c) he actually wants to know what you think of the movie
d) his-

"Y/N stop"

"Stop what?" You ask without thought.

"I know you're doing the thing"

"What thing?"

"Where you analyze everything I say and end up over complicating it, and then you have a million different interpretations of what I said, when in the end it's a really, really, simple explanation" he says.

Sticking your hands in the front pockets of your jeans.

"I just....don't want to mess anything up"

His face lightens up, "What do you mean?"

You freeze.

a) tell the truth
b) lie

"I like you. "

He doesn't say anything and his face is neutral.

a) he's so disgusted that he doesn't even know what to say
b) he's so flattered that he doesn't know what to say
c) he's so into and has been waiting forever to hear me say that
d) he made a bet on this and lost so he doesn't know how he's going to pay it off

"Y/N. I like you for you. You don't need to over think anything when you're with me. Don't think. Just Do. Be you."


Ah, screw it.

You reach up to grab his cheeks, and mold your lips together. He seems surprised, seeing as he instinctively grabs your arms. He relaxes and leans his head towards you. Your lips move in harmony and his arms move around your waist. He pulls you tighter, and squeezes spots on your waist. You smile.

"Oh my god" he laughs against your lips.


"You can really kiss when you're not thinking" he says, "I like this whole, 'no thinking thing'"

You smile, and the smile that returns stares deep into you, with eyes so loving- and for once, you don't think about it. You just know.

Henry Mills/Jared Gilmore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now