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Henry Mills
A/N: I'm currently choosing my high school, so updating is kinda hard. But here's a sufficient oneshot.

Cruella kidnaps the reader.

Warnings: Hospitals, guns, aggressive dogs

Personal Rating; 6/10


Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you continue to walk to school. Ugh, school. Homework, math, teachers. Why can't those things simple vanish so that the only period standing is lunch?
Lunch is when you and your friends would always talk about the weirdest things. And Henry.
Oh Henry, he's the only guy that makes you feel at your happiest in this mess. Even though you do live in a fairytale world, err, Storybrooke, it wouldn't be as joyful without him.
You actually began dating around 8 months ago, and you still have this everlasting love for one another. He always greets you with a kiss, and hug. And early in the morning he sends you these beautiful good morning texts.
You kick a pebble as you walk to school, and you, of course kick it into the gutter somehow.
Suddenly, you hear a cry. Not a human cry, but the cry of a dog. A dog whimpering. Your eyes search around for any signs of a dog in peril. As the cries louden, you check every corner and alleyway.
As you search, your eyes catch on a black and white canine; a Dalmatian. He's holding up his paw, and you creep towards him, letting him smell you. As soon as you're close enough, you recognize him as Pongo, Archie's dog. You're about to reach out and touch him, but suddenly, he begins to growl at you. Your heart speeds up and your hands shake as you quickly draw them away. Pacing backwards, you're unsure of whether to run.
Just count to Three.
Pongo stands on all legs. His paw no longer seems hurt. He begins to bark at you.
You see the green glow in his eyes. The green glow can only mean one thing....
You sprint off down the streets, and he's close behind you. You pass many streets and pedestrians unwilling to help you. You run until you reach the forest and your eyes land in a tree, with low branches. As soon as you reach it you hop on it and climb up. Dogs can't climb.
As soon as you reach the top, or a high point where you're sure you're safe, you pull out your phone.
You call Henry.
He answers on the third ring.
"Y/N? Where-"
"I don't know what happened but Pongo went all crazy and his eyes are green and Henry, I'm scared"
"It'll be okay. Where are you?" He tries to sound calm, but his voice is tense and worrisome.
"I'm in the Forest. By a cliff. I'm in a tree, so I'll be fine"
"No no no, Y/N, get away from the cliff. Do you know who you're dealing with? It's Cruella. You need to get away, I'm coming"
Then the line goes dead. You put your phone back in your bag, and rest your head against the trunk. Just for a few seconds.
You then start to climb away from the cliff, going from tree to tree. You can't climb down, the dog is still there, ready to bite your limbs off.
Suddenly, a branch snaps and you're falling. You hit your arm on a branch on your way down and grab onto it. You almost slip, so you wrap both hands around it. You look down and see the Dalmatian directly underneath your feet.
You try and pull yourself up, but your arms are too weak.
You're muttering to yourself and tears are going down your face.
Suddenly, a voice speaks up.
"Down, doggy"
Suddenly, the barking vanishes and you drop to the ground. You land on you're feet, but they aren't firm enough, so they give out on you and you tip over and fall on your side.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Is this, Y/N? Henry's girlfriend?"
You look up and see the black and white locks of Cruella de Vil. She wore a fluffy fur coat and red gloves.
"I'm not afraid of you" you say, trying to stand up.
"Well you should be"
She looks at her gloves as if she were checking her nails, "Because, darling, you're weak right now. You're in the floor and can hardly walk. I can control these hounds and-" She pulls something from her pocket. It's shiny and silver and about the size of a hand- a gun.
Your heart rate speeds up. No. No. No.
This can't be happening.
She aims it at you, "I have this"
"Why do you want to kill me?"
"I don't. I really don't. But there are just some things in the way of getting what I need"
"What's that?"
"I'm not going to tell you darling" she says, a wicked grin on her face.
"Y/N!" a voice screams out. You turn to the side and see Henry, standing there.
"Ah Henry, just the man I was looking for" she says, still aiming her gun at me. She has a prominent smile on her face, as if she were enjoying this. He quickly eyed the gun and then her, and then you.
"Awwww. This is so cute. You get to stay and witness her death"
"Cruella please don't. I'll do anything" he automatically says.
"Great darling."
Wow that was easy.
"Okay. What do you want?"
"Nothing more than for you to stay here. With me. And Y/N"
"But first" Henry says, "There's a few things I need to address. If I am to stay here....."
Cruella turns the gun away from me as he tells her random things that aren't true or important and I know exactly what he's doing.
Distracting. She's totally falling for it.
He used this tactic all the time. I begin to creep away. I hear more and more random things.
Soon I get so far that I can barely see Henry. He glances at me one more time. I can see the look in his eyes. He's not going to be able to escape.
I begin to sprint.
I run towards Mary Margarets apartment. Mary Margaret is always there. She'll know what to do.
As soon as I reach it, I open the door as violently close it behind me, my back to the door.
"Y/N?" Calls out a soft voice.
"Cruella....she tried to kill us....Henry...."
"She still has Henry?"
"Yes and we need to go after him" you say.
Emma's head pops up from the couch, "What? What are we waiting for? let's go!"
She runs out the door and Mary Margaret follows, grabbing her bow and arrows on the way out. I trail behind them and guide them to where Henry was.
As soon as you reach the clearing near the cliff, your heart rate picks up.
He's gone.
"I don't understand. He was right here" You say. Emma stands next to you, and says, "This is bad"
"She moved him" Show said, putting an arrow back in its place, "We should split up"
Suddenly there's a loud ringing in your ears, and a loud banging noise, and you cringe and your hands retreat to cover your ears.
You suddenly feel your leg burn, and you scream and fall to the ground.
Emma's eyes widen. Not at the source of the sound but at you. You look down and see blood seeping through your pants. You clutch your leg and cry out.
Mary Margaret crouches down with you and tries to calm you down. She presses a cloth to your wound and whispers, "It's going to be okay. Just breathe"
You watch Emma as she runs to investigate the source of the shot. You spot a black and white fur coat behind a tree, and see Henry's coat as well.
With the dancing black spots in your vision, your eyelids droop and close. You can't hear anything but silence. You can't see anything but black.
The beep of a heart minister is unlike any other beep. It's not quite urgent, but it's not quite calming. It's rather annoying, actually. A consistent beat that wakes you up. Your eyelids fly open.
The first person you see in your sight is Henry. He's sitting and talking to Emma who sits in the chair next to him. They're whispering to one another and Emma's eyes flick to yours. Emma nods her head in your direction.
Henry's head snaps back. Even tired, he looks handsome. You begin to get up, propping up your elbows and lift your leg, but you cringe and fall back into bed. Henry rushes to you aid.
"What happened?"
"You got shot"
"Was it Cruela?" You ask.
"Technically, yes"
You lift an eyebrow, "Technically?"
Henry glances back at Emma, and she tells him to take a deep breath.
He turns back to you, "Cruella can't kill anyone. The author made that true" he says.
"What do you mean?"
"She can't pull a trigger. She can't throw a knife. She can't do anything like that"
"Then how'd I....?"
"She forced me" he said shrugging, "I was gagged so I couldn't say anything. She put my hands on the gun and made me pull the trigger. She was aiming for Emma but I moved at the last second and aimed down. I'm....Im sorry"
Henry's doing what he's always wanted to do. He's saving people. Even though you're wounded due to his actions, it's much better than going to a funeral for the savior.
You sit up, reach up and grasp Henry's cheeks, and frame his face, "Don't be sorry for doing the right thing"
He smiled and you pressed you lips to his.

Henry Mills/Jared Gilmore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now