December 6th, 2015

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A/N: This is the sequel to my book Diary of an Average Christian Teen Girl, so that book must be read for this one to make sense. Please enjoy! :)

8:17 A.M.

Hey Saviour,

My family finally found a good church, we've been testing out different ones every week and this one has finally clicked. I still haven't met many people, but they have youth group on Tuesdays here, which is weird, but hopefully I'll meet some people there. It's really hard adjusting, we usually have a ton of single people over for Thanksgiving, but it was just us this year. I'm excited for Christmas though. I want to send Chad and Emily presents, but I don't know if I'll be able to. We've been video chatting a ton, they got a puppy, a golden retriever. I have to go to church, I'll tell you about it when I get back, Bye!

12:51 P.M.

Hey Jesus,

I'm back, church was okay. I really like the service and worship and everything, but no one came up to me and talked to me. People talked to my parents and I was just there, but it wasn't the same as talking to people my age. They have some kind of group on Sunday nights like our old church did, so I'll probably be going to that, I don't know, I just don't want to go back and shrink in a corner and try to be invisible. Now I know that people notice me, it was just me making myself feel like that, but my corner is safe, and I know I'm supposed to follow You out on the water, but the shore is safe, and I'm afraid. I'M the new one, I shouldn't have to reach out, they should be reaching out to me. Right? Well, I'll talk to you after the group.

10:07 P.M.

Hey God,

I'm back and it was great/good. People were nice, especially this one girl named Madison that is just absolutely crazy, in a good way. I just felt left out. I know there is no way that I'll fit in, I just got here, but it still hurts. It's like they all have a ton of inside jokes. Being homeschooled doesn't help either. We are having a Christmas party next week, we are supposed to get White Elephant gifts, sort of excited for that. That's all for today. Goodnight Beautiful Saviour, I love you.

~Chloe E. Almond

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