December 23rd, 2015

69 7 0

10:51 P.M.

Hey Saviour,

The past three days have been really fun, I got Chad and Emily presents. I can't wait to give them to them, even if it will take 7 months. I got Emily an initial necklace and candy, and I bought Chad candy and a (cheap, but nice) watch. Are You excited for Your birthday party this Friday? (Christmas) I don't even know what my parents are getting me, I couldn't think of anything. All I want is to be in Kansas, or for Kansas to be with me. If you know who I mean by Kansas. It's hard not to imagine my potential future with him, I want you to be my all, so much that even if I never get married, you'd still be enough for me. That's my goal, and I know that I can get there one day. I think that Chad would love my Uncle Daniel, he's really funny like my Grandpa, and I could see him and Chad being good "adult-teen" friends. This is a really short entry, but I'm excited for Christmas, the past few days have been really fun with my family, and more people are coming tomorrow, for my Grandma's annual Christmas Eve party. It's really interesting to see tons of my Mom's old friends. That's all for now Beautiful Saviour, I'll write to you after your birthday. Goodnight, I love you.

~ Chloe E. Almond

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