January 1st, 2016

75 5 3

5:36 A.M.

Dear Saviour,

It's a new year, I can't believe that it's 2016, wow. I'll be 15 this year, start sophomore year, do so many things. The NYE all nighter was fun, I actually just got back a few minutes ago. It mostly consisted of me wandering around aimlessly and feeling kind of lonely, but I talked to some of the middle school kids, that was kind of fun. You're probably wondering if I kept my promise to myself and didn't call Chad/Emily, and I didn't. What makes me sad is that they didn't call me either, maybe I was right, maybe they are tired of me. Anyway, would you like to hear my new year resolutions? Hopefully I will keep them, unlike practically all the other years. Anyway, here they are my top three:

1. Get Closer to You
2. Make More Friends
3. Be Healthier

I have some other random ones, but I didn't think that they were worth mentioning. I'm super tired, I can barely hold my pen, I'll talk to you whenever I wake up, goodnight Saviour!

5:36 P.M.

Hey Jesus,

I didn't just wake up, but I did wait until it was 5:36 to talk to You just so it would be exactly 12 hours later, I'm so weird. Anyway, I fell asleep instantly, my journal was actually still on my bed, but I woke up around 12 and I saw that Chad had texted me after all, all he said was happy new year, but I guess it kind of made me realize that they do actually care about me, no matter how small. I still don't really believe that he likes me, we haven't talked about any of that stuff since I left anyway. I had only known him for like 2 months anyway. Maybe it was just a passing crush for him, and it's gone now, and he just thinks of me as a friend, which is what we agreed to be for now, but still. I'd bet that he wants to tell me, but he doesn't know how to, maybe I should talk to him about this, I don't know, I probably shouldn't. I guess I will just leave it up to You, help me not to worry, and  to trust You with everything. You know my future, and You know what is best for me. Anyway, co-op starts in 2 weeks, I'm excited for that, I'm not looking forward to school starting on Tuesday though. Help me to actually make an effort to talk to people at co-op, and to remember that you are by my side, cheering me on, anyway, I will talk to you later King, bye, I love you!

~Chloe E. Almond

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