January 10th, 2016

63 5 0

10:46 P.M.

Hey. Saviour,

Today was the first day of Verve, and it was so much fun! It starts at 9:00 A.M., before church, and it goes for an hour, but it was really great, they gave us donuts for breakfast! Then, they taught us a little sermon about things that highschoolers go through, how to get closer to You, and other things like that. I especially like it because during the "sermons" we are allowed to raise our hands at any time and ask questions, and whoever is speaking asks us questions too, it was great. Also, you won't believe what the topic for today was, Friendships, exactly what I am going through. It was so good, he talked about how we have to make sure that our close friends are bringing us closer to You, and that's it's okay to be friends with people who don't know You, but that we have to make sure that they aren't influencing us. He said that we need at least one strong friend, who is encouraging us, and telling us the hard truth. I don't have that right now, I want a friend like that , but I don't really know how I'll go about it. Emily and I are, or were, just kind of friends for fun, not to help each other, which he said that it's important to have fun too, but that shouldn't be the main focus. Remember that girl, Madyson (I found out that it was spelled like this and not "Madison" today) that I talked about before, anyway, I've been watching her and I think that she'd be a really great friend. She seems to really love You, and from a few conversations that I've had with her, she doesn't seem to be afraid to be herself. She's super kind and crazy, and I found out today that she likes books and The Hunger Games trilogy probably as much as I do, maybe even more. Overall, today was a pretty good day, and I'm super excited for youth group, and Verve next week. In case You're wondering, even though You already know, I still haven't talked to Chad or Emily, but they haven't talked to me either. According to Instagram, they've been hanging out a lot with the new girl at their school and my old youth group, Jennifer. It's hard to not feel like she is replacing me... Anyway, I'm pretty excited for the first day of co-op this Friday, I'll probably get to meet a ton of people there too. Well, I'll talk to later, my Saviour, Goodnight!

~Chloe E. Almond

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