Instant Douche

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Now that you have mastered the art of woman, you can be a douche! Douches are the next level of Chix pickers. The order goes like this:

"Chix Attraction chart"

0. Scott level (-7- chix)                                                                                                                                                                     No abilities/Disgrace

1. Loners (No chix)                                                                                                                                                                             Ability to Speak to chix

2. Outgoing ugly dude (1 or 2 chix)                                                                                                                                             Ability to befriend chix

3.The Popularzzz (3-6 chix)                                                                                                                                                           Ability to flirt with chix

4. Chix Pickers (6-20 chix)                                                                                                                                                               Ability to Seduce chix

5. Douche (20-50 chix)                                                                                                                                                                     Ability to get in bed with chix

6. Ultimate Bed Genius (50-200 chix)                                                                                                                                        Ability to get chix pregnant

7. Pimp (200-400 chix)                                                                                                                                                                     Ability to seduce chix 2x their age

8. Rich pimp (400-800 chix)                                                                                                                                                           Ability to sell chix for money

9.Strip club manager (800-1337 chix)                                                                                                                                       Able to run a business with stripping chix

10: Laurence level (1337-infinite chix)                                                                                                                                      Can do anything with chix. Even make Chix love eachother.

Now that you're a lvl 4 on the Chix Attraction Chart, you can begin to seduce woman. The level for lvl 4 is this....

LVL 4: Chix Pickers

These are the Douche apprentices. Unable to be great like the Rich Pimps, Chix Pickers are the small pimp business with barely any chix in stock, to get to that rich pimp standard, you need more and more chix, and in order to do that, take a break and become a Douche and Ultimate Bed Genius! The lvl 4 privileges are: Seduction is now available. Any privilages in a rank before lvl 4 is available

Some tips from long time Douche, Kanye West, are: "Make Donald Trump like black people" and "You gotta get dem, plastic, hot sh*t. They're the bomb for the douches" Take these tips into consideration and preform your Chix Picker seducing privileges. These are CERTAIN to get the chix swarming into your hands. Just play your cards right and you can get a Flush, if you know what I mean ;)

I, Laurence, will tell you how I became a douche. First, I managed to seduce some hot girls at the school I was in and had them all at my feet. On their knees, doing so many nice things for me. What's nice about the sucking is that you can actually jizz in their mouth and make them never brush their teeth again. Pretty sweet, eh? Just try that tip and get the douche level you deserve!!!

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