Chapter 16

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Jimins Pov

Maybe I should just go to work then? No way, I'm not wasting this day off. But I do want to ask my dad if he knows Yoongi.... Or something. Besides that how else would he have known my dad got the CEO job. I mean he got it just yesterday... Maybe he found at at the hospital some how? I don't know... Well I'm going to visit my dad at winner and then I'm gonna go home and rest the hell out of today, I arrive home, get ready and get back in the car and arrive at winner,

"I won't be long." I tell hyunwoo after he opens my door

I get out and see all the workers lined up inside and when I look confused hyun woo clears it up

"I told your father you were coming." He says

"Oh." I mumble

I walk into the building and all the workers bow. Well, might as well get used to it.... I walk past all of them and get into the elevator. Wait, what floor was it again? I've been here before to see grandpa but.... I think it was the top floor but ... Well let's try. I arrive at the top floor after some girls got on. It was so cool! They bowed at me even though I'm younger. This is actually pretty awesome. I get out of the elevator and walk up to the desk.

"Oh, you're the CEOs son! I'll tell him you're here." She says

"Sir, your son is here." She says after picking up the phone

30 seconds later she tells me to go in. I go in to see my dad with yoongis dad.....

My dad stands up "Someone's here to apologize to you."

I just cross my arms. Seriously? Just because I'm the son of the CEO of winner he's apologizing now. I still want to know how Yoongi knows!

"I'm sorry. Jimin. It's just I want a good future for my son? You can understand right? I don't want some guy to drag him down. Please forgive me? I think you and my son will be good together. You'll be good for him." Yoongis dad apologizes

"Okay." Is all I say

"Should we all go out for lunch? I'll call Yoongi." His dad asks

"I'm busy." I say

No way I'm sitting at that awkward lunch meeting crap.

"I also have a meeting with someone for lunch, another time." My dad says

"Okay. I'll just be going then..." He leaves me and my dad alone

"What did he do to you? I just wanted to punch him so bad. But I held it in because I knew you'd want me to."

"Well I was at Yoongis house.... And he barged in and yelled at me to leave. Basically saying he can't date someone poor. Like we were... Even though we weren't even! We were middle class..." I say

"Well rich people put everyone else that's not rich into one category, they don't care."

"Wait, did you tell Yoongi about you being the CEO ?" I ask

"No?" My dad questions

"Oh. Well I don't know how he knew then..." I mumble

My phone goes off. Of course, min Yoongi.

"Son. Come work here and I'll give you a directors position okay?"


I leave the office and answer my phone.


"Hey, you okay? Where are you?"

"None of your business." I say

It's not Yoongis fault about his dad but I am a little suspicious about how he knows my dads job...

"Jimin-ah! Don't be mad. Please? Tell me where you are. I want to see you."

"Meet me at ___ restaurant. I'm hungry." I hang up the phone

The first thing I say to him will definitely be questioning him about how he knows.

My Boss, Min Yoongi// Yoonmin// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now