Chapter 11

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3rd person Pov

Team Manager Jung knocks on director Mins door and Jimin quickly tucks his shirt back in and heads toward the door. Manager Jung opens the door and Jimin bows towards him before quickly running out of the office and towards the bathroom.

'Maybe I should tell the CEO I changed my mind' Jimin thinks

Jimins Pov

Why did he do that!? I don't understand... He's probably just. Uh, horny or something ..... I don't know! Whatever! I'm at work right now! I need to focus on work. Not whatever that was. Let's just pretend that never happened... I walk out of the bathroom and sit back down at my desk.

"Jiminie!" Someone runs up to my desk

"Kookie! Whatsup??" I look up

"Director Kim needs some money." He says

"Let me have a look."

He hands me the folder he prepared. Looks perfectly fine, I sign it.

"I'll b-"

"Hey actually Jungkook-ah, can we talk?" I whisper

"Um... Yeah? Let me just drop this off."

"Okay... Meet me on the 30th floor !" I say

I grab my phone and follow Jungkook to the elevator.

"Director min was looking at us...." Jungkook says when the elevator door closes

"Yeah... That's kind of what i wanted to talk about." I say

"Wait. Really? Then this can wait." Jungkooks presses a button that stops the elevator "what happened?"

"Well. Director Min, he seemed mad at me and he called me into his office. And he yelling a little and then he...." I stop

"He what.....?.... Jiminie?"

"Kissed m-"

"WHAT!" Jungkook yells "he did not! He really did? Wait . Director min is gay! Are you gay!?"

"SHUTUP KOOKIE! For two seconds. Yes he really kissed me. And yes he's gay. Me , I'm not sure...." I press the button that makes the elevator start back up again

"How do you know he's gay?" Jungkook asks

"His mom kind of told me." I look at myself in the ceiling

"I don't even wanna know. Well I kind of do actually!" He says

"Well guess who doesn't feel like explaining." I say

"Ugh. Hyungg!"

"Woah. Hyung? Still not telling!" I stick my tongue out and walk out the elevator

I pull my phone out of my pocket while Jungkook trails behind me whining. Oh wow it's late. Time to go home...

"Cmon Jimin! Tell me!"

I brush someone's shoulder with
Mine as I continue walking.

"I'm not telling. I'm going to grab my stuff and we can go to the old place ok?"

"Uh Jimin." Jungkook says

"What?" I look up


My Boss, Min Yoongi// Yoonmin// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now