Chapter 27

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Jimins Pov

The next day I walk into work. I had dinner with Yoongis family the day before andThey seemed to like me. I hope so. I walk into the elevator being greeted by everyone. The doors close and everyone keeps mumbling on with their conversations.

"Did you hear? Comfo is trying to spread rumors about us?"

"Yeah I heard that! They better not spread false rumors."

"Wait, what's going on?" I ask

"Comfo is trying to attack us!"

I recognize him from my department. Baek Seung Chan.

"Attack us...?"

The doors open to our floor and everyone gets out.

"Aren't you coming sir?"

"I'm gonna go talk to the CEO. I'll be down in a second."

I go up to the top floor and go into my dads office.

"Oh hello!" He says

"What's with this whole comfo thing?" I ask

"We're both fighting for this shopping mall and they really want it. But we have the higher chance to get it so they're using cheap tactics. If you could even call it that." He says

"What's the rumors they said about us...?" I ask

"That we do lots of illegal stuff. It doesn't really matter, I have to make a statement later today on television." He sighs


Maybe I should call? Or visit?

"Alright... I'll be going to work then." I say and exit his office.

I go into the elevator and pull out my phone calling Yoongi. No answer. Don't tell me he's involved in this? That's it. I'm going over there. I run outside and into my car speeding all the way into comfo. I fast walk in the building and outside of his office. I sigh and right about as I was going to knock on the door shouting comes from inside.

"No! You can't see Jimin anymore!"

What.... No!

"You can't tell me what to do!" Yoongi yells

"I'm your father!"

"Well I'm over 18! I'm an adult. And my adult self is going to see Jimin right now!"

Shit. I run into the bathroom and go into a stall. What is going on...

Tears fall from my face.


I can't fucking believe my dad right now. He spread those fake rumors about JS group just to get that stupid shopping mall. Which he won't get anyway. I should just blow it up. When the world finds out about my dad lying about this our company will take a huge hit. Forget about this, I just need Jimin in my arms and everything will be fine. I get in my car and drive to JS group. I go inside and go to the front desk.

"Do you know what floor Park Jimin is on? I ask

"And who are you?" The lady asks

"I'm.... From Comfo." I say

"I'm sorry sir but I can't let you up there." She says

"Why not?" I ask

"I just can't, I'm sorry." She says

"I really need to go see him please." I plead

3rd person Pov

"I'm really sorry but I can't." The lady replies

Yoongi slams his fist on the table "Why not! Call him and he'll tell you to let me up!"

"I can't-"

"You can!" Yoongi screams


Two men run over and grab Yoongi, Yoongi struggles to escape.

"I'm his boyfriend!" He screams as he gets dragged out of the building



My Boss, Min Yoongi// Yoonmin// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now