Chapter 11

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The song on the side is what I listened to on repeat while writing this chapter. To me it seemed to fit it in a way.



{Dakota's POV}

My breathing has stopped and I feel like I am in hell. Once we got Ava to Maddie's parents pack house they had everything waiting. The reason why I am currently pacing back and forth is because they will not let me in the room right now.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, "She will be fine man." Paul says.

I look at him with the tears forming in my eyes, "Would you be calm if Simone was in there and could possible not only lose her life but the life of your child?" I ask.

He looks at Simone than around the hallway with all the others, "I know it is hard but think positive. Ava is a strong girl. And I am sure your kid is as stubborn as you and will fight also."

I laugh at the last part, "I just hope I get the chance to meet my son. Well if what Maddie said was true."

All I can think about is the spell Maddie said she put on Ava. Shouldn't it have protected her from the silver?

I hear a door open behind me and I turn around and see a man standing outside the doors to where they have Ava.

"My daughter told me that the girl inside the rooms mate is out here." He said look around until noticing that I am the only male not holding onto a girl.

"I am Ava's mate." I point to Ryan, "And that is her brother."

He smiles, "You are the two gentlemen I wanted to talk to after the fight."

"How is she?" I hear Nova ask.

Nova is a quiet girl when she wants to. Normally she is loud but I guess Ethan has finally calmed her down.

"We have gotten the silver out but my wife, youngest daughter and one of my wife's friends are all watching over the child in Ava's stomach."

I sit down in a chair closest to me, "Does that mean he will die?"

"He?" Alpha Daniel's asks.

Maddie walks out when he said that, "I say a boy but I also saw two other children. The boy and girl were twins and looked like Ava's brother." She explains.

I look at Emilee who pales, "I...I...was told...that...that...I could not have kids." She whispers stutters.

Maddie walks up to her and pulls her into the room that Ava and the other girls are in.

"How about we guys go talk and the others from your pack can go into our guest room and freshen up for dinner." Alpha Daniel's says.

{Emilee's POV}

All I can think about is what Maddie said about a boy and a girl looking like Ryan. I was told when I was younger that I could not have children. Does that mean I could be now? I look up to see an unconscious Ava and I break into tears.

"Hey she is fine and the baby is doing great. He is healing faster than we thought." I hear and look up into some eyes I never thought I would see again.

"Rylee?" I whisper before fainting.

{Dakota's POV}

"You two can take any of the seats." Alpha Daniel says.

Looking around I love the look of this office.

When I tell Alpha Daniel's that he tells us how his wife decorated it. Also that she is an interior decorator. I may have to have her do the baby's room.

"What I wanted to talk to you two about is Ava told my daughter Maddie that you two do not like each other." He says.

I look at Ryan when he speaks, "We used to. To be honest we kind of gotten closer again because of Ava."

"I think you two need to combine packs. You both are stronger together than separate. Plus Ava will need both of you when she wakes up. You see when Christel and I had two packs to deal with we built two new pack houses close to each other and her father took over one pack and her and I took over this one. We are still one pack all we did was combine territories. I suggest you guys think of something that will benefit you all. And by what I saw outside the room Ava is resting in you all are already like one pack." He says.

He is right. We all have been closer since Ava had us all in that meeting with our pack elders.

I open my mouth to say something but am cut off when the door flies open reveling an older lady with brown hair down to her back.

"Rylee?" Alpha Daniel's asks.

"Which one of you id Ryan?" She asks quickly.

I point to Ryan, "You mate just fainted."

Ryan and I look at each other and run after the girl running towards the room where Ava is and where Emilee just fainted.

{Ryan's POV}

Fainted? Why did Emilee just faint.

"What happen?" I ask when we get into the room and I run to Emilee's side.

" see she knows me and has not seen me in years." The girl named Rylee says.

I look over at her and my eyes automatically lock on the bed my sister is lying in.

Looking at Maddie quick, "How is my sister doing?"

She looks at Dakota and I and says, "Well she is doing fine. Your nephew is already back to normal and I think that is because both his parents have alpha blood in them." She says but adds, "Oh and your children are doing fine too by the way."

I snap my face towards her again, "My children?"

She nods, "My mom says it looks like they go pregnant at the same time."

"I am pregnant?" We all hear come out in a whisper.

I look and see Emilee is awake. I smile just thinking that she has waken and that she is also caring my children. To be honest I now know how Dakota felt when he found out that Ava was pregnant.

"Yes you are dear." Maddie's mom says.

I hear Emilee say, "Rylee where have you been?"

We all look at Rylee who pales, "Well I have been living here with my mate and daughter."

"You had Zoe?" I hear Emilee say.

"Yeah she looks just like Parker though." Rylee says laughing.

"Wait how do you two know each other?" I ask.

Emilee looks at me, "You remember me telling you about the girl I would sing and dance around with until their pack was caught in a war? The girl that was my best friend and I thought died that day." She asks.

When I nod she says, "Well that girl is Rylee."

"Oh okay I know what you mean. Is that why you fainted when you saw her?" I ask.

She nods. We are all silent for a while until a scream comes from Ava.

{Ava's POV}


Andrew is on top of me with an evil smirk, "You are my mate and will be my mate forever."

"NO! I will never be yours." I scream.

"We will see about that." He says before attacking my neck to kill me.


I jolt upwards screaming. When I open my eyes I see some concerned familiar and non-familiar faces.

The one face I cannot take my eyes off of brings me to tears, "Dakota." I whisper sob.

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