Chapter 8

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I am sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I am hoping that I will be able to update again like I used to. So hopefully you wont have to wait long for another uploaded chapter.



{Ava’s POV}

When I wake I am prepared to go tell Dakota what I have come to the conclusion with school but something is stopping me from getting up. I look above my head and see I am being tied down with rope covered in silver. Looking down I see my feet are tied down in the same thing. I try to mind link Dakota but I cannot get through to him right now since he has his mind blocked.

“Good morning sweetheart.” I hear to my right and see who I never thought I would see giving me a evil looking smirk.

“Did you like all my notes?” With that he walks over and puts a cloth over my face and I go into complete darkness.

{Dakota’s POV}

“I am going to have the girl check on her.” I say fast before mind linking Paul to have Simone and Tess go check on Ava.

Ryan and I have been talking all night on what we should do and noticing that it is morning I figured I should have someone check on Ava. I can see the Ryan is scared and nerves. His phone ringing makes him jump like he was spacing off. He smiles a little looking at the caller id.

“Hey baby.” He says.

He pales at the same time the girls come running into my office without knocking with the same pale look and I know it is not good.

{Emilee’s POV}

I cannot believe what I saw in my brother’s room after what we found in Ava’s now old room. I feel like the worst girlfriend and soon to be sister in law. Olivia and Nova dragged me to the store to try to get my mind off of my psychotic brother.

When I hear my phone ring I smile thinking it is Ryan but my smile drops and I stop in place when I hear the ringtone that I know who it is.

“Andrew?” I whisper answer while looking at the girl’s worried stares.

“Hello my dear sister. I have a friend here with me I should see if she is awake yet.” I hear that I pale already thinking I know who he talking about.

“Who is you friend?” I ask trying to calm my scared self.

“Oh you know who she is. In fact I think I should go check on my mate or should I say your mate’s twin sister.” When he says that I pale and go to the closest bench because I feel like I am going to pass out.

I hear a door open on his end of the phone.

“Good morning sweetheart.” I hear him say to Ava.

That makes me wonder how long he has had her.

“Did you like all my notes?” He says and I can picture him with some evil kind of smirk.

I hear some movement on his end that has me trying to listen more closely.

“Now that my mate is asleep again we can talk.” I hear him say.

“What have you done to her?” I ask and you can hear how scared I am by my voice.  

He laughs, “Nothing yet. I had to get her away from that asshole before she fell in love with him or ended up pregnant or something.”

“Do not hurt her Andrew please. If you have any real feelings for her you will not hurt her.” I say trying to keep Ava from being harmed.

“Well sister of mine all I can say is none of you will ever see her again and that guy who thinks he is her mate will NEVER see her again.” He says before ending the call.

The first thing I do is call Ryan.

He picks up on the second ring like everyone in his family, “Hey baby.” He says and I can picture him having a smile on his face.

Oh how I feel bad for ruining his good mood, “Ryan we have a problem. Andrew has Ava.”

I hear quiet than I door slam open I think. In the background I hear Simone and Tess’s voices saying she is not in the room.

{Dakota’s POV}

When I hear what Simone and Tess say I pale. I run up to the room to see if I can smell another scent or see if she struggled.

Ryan walks in and sniffs the air, “Andrew was hear.” He walks towards my balcony, “This is how he got in. I am guessing not that long ago since the smell is still strong.”

I hear a knock on my room door and see our pack doctor there.

“Sorry to interrupt but I have something to give to Ava from when she came to see me yesterday.” She says.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Is she here so I can discuss it to her?” She asks worried.

“Not right now but I can relay the message when she returns.” I lie since I am not sure when I will be able to see Ava again.

She nods and smiles handing me a piece of paper, “If she has any questions. 

I nod and when she leaves I look down at the paper and my eyes widen.

Looking up at Ryan I say, “We now have a bigger problem.” Then I hand him the paper.

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