Chapter 6

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I hope you like this chapter. The outfit Ava changes into is on the side.


“Ava?” I hear Ryan say.

How can someone who claims they want to be with me want to hurt me or hurt my loved ones?  I have to get away. I have to think what I can do to get away from this psycho. As if a light bulb went off, I know the perfect place for me to go to think.

Look up I can see everyone looks concerned. I look at Dakota and see he is holding the note now.

“I have to get away and think.” I say than run out of the room.

{Dakota’s POV}

Where is she going is all I can think about now.

“Do any of you know where she would be going?” I hear Ryan ask.

“It could be one of many.” I faintly hear Emilee say.

Come on think Dakota where would she go. Could she be at the park she and Ryan love?

“Would she go where you two went all the time when you were younger?” I ask.

Ryan looks at me shocked, “You know about that place?”

“She showed me it.” I say with a shrug.

His mouth drops open but he shuts it quickly shaking his head, “She would go somewhere she know we would never think about.”

“So how about we think of some places we would cross off the list first then go from there.” Olivia says.

“Wait.” Simone says.

“What?” I ask.

Looking at the girls she says, “Where is that place she told us about freshman year? The place she loved to go to dance since the owner gave her the dance space since no one goes there anymore.”

“I remember the name is Dance Dance Studio.” Tess says.

“That is a five minute drive.” The elders say.

“Let’s go! We have to make sure she is fine.” I say heading to the door.

{Ava’s POV}

When I get there, I wave at the receptionist and head to change into clothing that I know I can dance in. I put on a pair of Dakota’s sweatpants that he gave me one day that I forgot my dance things. I quickly change into a white t-shirt and put on my white and grey Nike shoes.

Walking into the spacious room with hardwood floors a smile instantly appears on my face. I walk over to the sound system and pick the song Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears. I decided I would take my anger from the ones I care about are targeted by some psycho and the frustration of knowing some stalker is always watching me.  

When I finish I look up shocked when I hear clapping. I see Dakota, Ryan, Emilee, Dallas, Olivia, Ethan, Nova, Paul, Simone, Mark and Tess are all hear and smiling at me.

{Ryan POV}

We walk into the building I never knew my sister went to.

Walking up to the receptionist I ask, “I am looking for Ava Young.”

The receptionist looks up from her magazine and blushes before asking, “And you are?”

Raising an eyebrow I say, “I am her brother.”

She starts to smile but Emilee makes her smile disappear, “Can you tell us where my sister in law is?”

The receptionist points a finger down a long hallway, “Follow the music.”

Following the music is easier than I thought it would be. We get there right after she starts a song I have heard Emilee listen to before. Ava starts dancing like I never seen her before. Looking at the girls I can see they have never seen her dance like that too.

“She has been holding out on us!” I hear Tess say.

That causes Dakota and me to laugh. Looking at him I start thinking maybe, I can get past everything in the past. I mean you can see he loves my sister by the look in his eyes.

“She is amazing isn’t she?” I ask close to him so he can hear me over the music.

“I never knew she was this great. You can tell she has a passion for dancing.” He says smiling over at me in a not creepy I like you sort of way.

“She wants to go to school for dance.” I say.

“Really?” He asks.

I nod and he says, “I think she should. I do not want to hold her back from her dreams.”

“She and the girls plan on all going to the college for dance her in town. So they won’t have to be far from all us.” I say.

Emilee looks at us guilty, “You have not heard yet have you?”

“Heard what?” Dakota and I say at the same time.

“The final dance in two weeks she has so many schools coming to watch her. She may be graduating with many dance offers. I mean come on Ryan did you really think your twin would stay somewhere where her brother controlled her love life and had hatred towards someone because of her.” Emilee looks at Dakota and adds, “Though she may stay for you.”

I know that it was stupid for hating Dakota for picking on Ava when they were younger but I never thought it would affect her so much. I thought I was helping her forget about what happened.

The song ends and we all start clapping. I cannot help but laugh at Ava’s surprised face.

“How did you guys figure out where I was?” She asks trying to catch her breath.

“We thought about the places we would cross off first and then Simone remembered you mentioning this place freshman year. However, I remembered the name. Tess says smiling at the end.

Ava takes a deep breath and says, “I think I might know a way to get this problem taken care of for now.”

{Dakota’s POV}

“How?” I ask.

“You all have your phones on you right?” She asks.

When we nod she walks over to her gym bag and grabs out her phone and stopping the song she has on repeat. When I get the text I look up at her than to Ryan.

“I think that is a great idea sis.” He says.

“Really?” She asks.

“Yes. We will work out a plan so it goes unnoticed until after it is done.” He says.

I smile looking down at the text again, ‘I think I should stay with Dakota till we can figure out who it is. –Ava’

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