Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning with drool running down my face. I hastily wiped it off, sitting up with a groan. I stepped out of bed, stretching. I sat back down, waiting for the dizzy spell to pass. I got up and walked into my bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My blond and black hair was in it's usual rats nest. I turned on the faucet, washing off my face, before turning on the shower. I jumped in, scrubbing down my body and washing my hair. I washed off and got out, grabbing a towel out of the closet and drying down my body. I pulled my robe on, my thoughts wandering to last night. I rolled my eyes, thinking of Kendall. Like, really? 

I grabbed my brush before brushing out all the knots. I dried my hair with the towel one more time before walking out of my room and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and got the cereal and milk out. I happily ate my Reeses Puffs, shoving them into my mouth. I dumped my bowl in the sink, glancing at the growing pile of dishes. I need to do those after work. I went back to my room, plugging in my blow dryer. I blow dried the rest of it before brushing it once more. I walked into my closet, looking through my closet. I grabbed my black ripped skinny jeans off the rack and hopped into them, buttoning them up. I pulled on a flowy white crop top that said 'bite me' in black. I finished with my black leather jacket and my black combat boots. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

213-555-9876 ~ Morning :) its Kendall

I set my phone down, deciding to answer him later. I walked back into my bathroom, grabbing my make up basket out from under the counter. I put on foundation, then my dark liquid eyeliner. I put on some mascara before grabbing my diamond nose ring. I put in the stud and was satisfied with my look.

I grabbed my phone, car keys, and apartment key before leaving. I jogged down the stairs, seeing as the elevator was broken, again. Sighing, I got in my car. The sun was just coming up as I drove my usual route to work. I worked at a radio station and mixed songs. I guess I was technically a DJ but I didn't think of it as that. I know, I know, it wasn't a great permanent job but my dad went to college with the station's owner so he paid me a bit more. As long as I paid the rent and got food, I was fine.

I unlocked the door, and kicked open the door. It was old and was a pain in the butt sometimes. I turned on the lights, walking to the back and into the station. I sat down in the beat up wheely chair, placing the headphones on my head. I glanced at the clock. It was 6:58, 2 minutes until I start the music. I turned to the computer, quickly dragging over songs into the playlist to play this morning. I put in the occasionally ads, as I was told to do. As soon as the clock said it was 7, I flipped the button into 'on air'.

"Good morning, Los Angeles! Wait, why is it a good morning at 7 in the morning on a Monday? Monday's are never good." I laughed into the mic. "Here's Blurred Lines." I clicked play before taking off the headphones, getting up. The song played through the studio as I did the usual clean up. I swept the floor, wiped down the windows, and organized the CD's. The owner, and my boss, Sal, had a thing for CD's. When I wasn't controlling the station, I was organizing or cleaning those.

"Sadie, I'm here!" I heard Sal call out.

"With the CD's!" I called back, placing a Justin Bieber CD on the rack. Yes, really. As he came into sight I noticed he had gotten his hair cut. He was good looking for being 28, most people think he's 20. He had brown eyes and dark brown hair, which was normally spiked. He was taller than me by about 6 inches.

"Hey, you can leave early today. Don't you have that family dinner tonight?" 

"Ah, dang it." I cursed under my breath. "I completely forgot. Okay thanks." Today was the annual Burns cook out. I had to drive about an hour to get there and it normally lasted late in the night. I would be staying with my brother, Colton.


I got in my baby blue jeep, tugging down the black shorts. Today had gone from nice to scorching hot. I was now stuck wearing short shorts, my other shorts dirty. I started up the engine, pulling out of my driveway. Making sure I had my bag with my bathing suit, I started driving down the road. I turned up the radio, moving my head to the Skrillex song playing. I was a good 20 minutes away when my car started slowing down. My eyebrows furrowed as I glanced at the pedal, then to the gas.

"You have got to be kidding me." I muttered, the needle pointing to the big red 'e'. I pulled over to the side of the empty road. Seriously you have got to be kidding me. I pulled out my phone, clicking the call button. I frowned when I heard my brother's voice mail. Great, just great. "Might as well start walking." I muttered, grabbing my bag and car keys. I hopped out of the car, starting the walk down the road. I heard the crunch of gravel and turned around. 

A silver car was going down the road, gradually slowing down. The window rolled down as the car came to a stop.

"Blondie?" I asked as I saw his face. I was shocked but walked towards the car.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Hunting elephants, you?" I asked sarcastically. 

"Is that your jeep back there?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." I mumbled, flipping my hair out of my face. "Well I need to go so, bye." I started walking but Kendall just followed.

"How about I give you a ride?"

"I'd rather get trampled by football players." I kept walking, ignoring the car.

"Come on, Sadie. Stop being stubborn and get in the car." I looked at the never-ending road in front of me and back to Kendall.

"Fine." I gave in. I opened the door and got in the car,  setting my bag by my feet.

"Now isn't this," Kendall said, leaning over close to my face. "better?" He smirked. I swallowed, shaking my head. He shook his, leaning back and driving. 

"Um, turn here." I told him when the street came into view. He turned, doing as told. After giving him the rest of the directions. "Er, thanks for the ride." I told him, getting out of the car.

"Welcome." He said, getting out.

"What are you doing?"

"Walking you to the door." He winked. I sighed, heading up the driveway. I rang the doorbell, shifting the bag on my shoulder.

"Isn't this your house?" He asked, confused. 

"My mom's." I explained as the door opened.

"Sadie, baby! I missed you!" My mom squealed as she opened the door, wrapping me in a hug.

"I missed you too, Mom." I said, hugging her back. I pulled back from her and her eyes looked from to behind me.

"Who's this?" She asked, smiling. Great.

"I'm Kendall, Sadie's friend." He smiled. She looked between us, wiggling her eye brows. Not friends...

"Why don't you stay, Kendall? We're having a cook out! I'm sure you'd love to meet the family." My mom exclaimed. Oh god, no. Please don't say yes. Kendall looked at me, a glint in his eyes. He turned back to my mom.

"I'd love too." 

The first chapter had some nice comments so I ended up typing and now I'm posting! Im getting a new ipod today, as my other one cracked :D YAYAYAYAYAAYA FOR SAVANNAH!

Haha anywho, this wasn't a great chapter but please comment/vote :) All I did was use spell check so please excuse the mistakes!

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