Chapter 15

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I honesty wish I didn't wake up with drool running down my face. Or have an imprint of my phone on my forehead. And to top it all off, I had fallen off the uncomfortable couch.

"Sucks for you." Colton mumbled lazily when he saw me sit up. He was half asleep, half awake. I rolled my eyes at him, pushing myself up off the white tile. I slumped back on the couch, wiping the drool off my face and fixing my ponytail.

"Shut up, Colton." I told him, sighing.

"I'm crippled right now," He held up his blue cast. "And you treat me like that?" He faked astonishment and I laughed.

"This is me being nice." I shrugged.

"What time is it?" He asked, scooting up and adjusting his pillow. He winced a few times and I frowned. This was only his first day of this and it was my fault. I pulled out my phone.

"Oh sh-" I stopped talking as a nurse walked in, a bright smile on her face. She looked young, with long curly red hair and bright green eyes.

"Hi, I'm Penelope but you can call me Red. That's what everyone calls me. I have your breakfast then I have your medicine." She babbled on, her smiling never disappearing. Colton's eyes never left her. She gave me an amused glance. I most likely had mascara and eyeliner smeared everywhere, not to mention my phone's imprint and dry drool.

"Erm, I'm late for work. Sorry, bro, but I have to leave, like now." I told him, walking over and kissing his cheek quickly. I avoided hugging him, not wanting to cause him pain.

"Later, Baby Sis." He tried smiling but winced. I frowned, hurrying out of the room. I ran into someone, cursing them and rolling my eyes.

"Thanks for saying hello." He said sarcastically and I turned, seeing the familiar brunette. He had the same amused look the nurse had on her face.

"Ew, it's you." I said, grinning. He tried glaring but failed. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to get you and see Colton. Kendall sent me and you don't have to work today." He answered and I nodded before realizing what he said.

"Wait, I don't have to work today?" I asked, excited. I was happy to have the day off. I could stay here with Colton.

"Yeah, Kendall talked to your boss." He said. He trailed off and it became awkward.

"Um, well I'm going to go talk to Colton.." I finally said, backing up.

"Oh wait! No, we're going to the beach." He said suddenly. And he couldn't have told me earlier?

"I don't like the beach." I shrugged.

"You do now." He smiled.

"Do not." I sing-songed, turning to walk around.

"You have to." He sing-songed back. "The bet?" He said in a "duh" tone. I stopped and turned around.

"Sometimes I regret this thing." I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Just take me h-" My voice got caught in my throat. How many times did I have to go over this with myself? I had no home, no clothes, nothing. "Can you just ask Kendall to excuse this one? Today I should really stay at my parents and get cleaned up, find a new apartment.." I said, trailing off. His eyes filled with sympathy.

"Oh, yeah, sure." He said sadly. "Need a ride there?" He asked and I nodded. It was silent besides the directions I gave him. When he pulled into their driveway, I turned to him. "Thanks." I simply said, jumping out of the car. I walked up and rang the door bell. The spare key had been lost in the fire, I'm guessing. Tonight I was meeting with some person to discuss a new apartment. I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before I realized my parents weren't home. Dad would be at work and Mom would be on her way to visit Colton now.

I sighed, walking to the back of the house and climbed the gate, hopping over. It was quite odd considering I was in a dress. I walked around the pool and walked up to the laundry room window. I bumped my hip against it and slid it up. It was a trick I learned while sneaking in (and out) of the house when I lived here. I placed my hands on the sill, jumping and pushing up with my arms, sitting on the window. I swung my legs in and hopped down. I fixed my dress then shut the window.

I hurried up the stairs into the guest room, which was basically mine. I dug around in the drawers for a few seconds before finding my spare pair of clothes I always kept here. It was just a white tank top, then a white shirt with a gold pocket, a pair of black jeans, and under garments. I grabbed them and hurried into the bathroom. I started the shower and stripped out of the dress. I grabbed a brush, trying to get out the tangles in my hair.

I finally got in the scolding shower and sighed. I scrubbed away the make up on my face before washing my hair. I spent a few minutes standing there, thinking over what happened last night.

My apartment building burned down. I cried and Kendall comforted me. I have no belongings. My brothers in the hospital.

Goosebumps formed on my skin as I got out of the shower. I dried off before pulling on my one pair of clothes I owned. The dress was now a lost cause. I didn't need it to remind me of what happened. I threw it in the trash and took a pair of my moms socks from her room. It was either that or my dressy flats. I brushed out my hair and tied it up in a pony tail. I went back to the spare bedroom and laid down on the bed. I turned on the TV and began watching a movie.

"Sadie? Sadie!" My mom said, shaking my shoulder. I groaned, opening my eyes. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry. I figured I'd stay here since-" I began.

"No, honey. It's fine." She smiled sympathetically. "But, that boy is here to see you. Kendall, right?"

"Tell him to go away." I mumbled, laying back down. I didn't want to talk to him.

"Sweetie, just go talk to him." She said, hitting my arm lightly. I rolled my eyes, standing up. I stretched then fixed my ponytail. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, Kendall sat there talking to my mom. He stopped mid-sentence and looked at me.

"Please excuse me Mrs. Burns." He said to my mom. "Sadie, can I talk to you for a minute?" When I nodded he added, "In private?" He looked at me for a few seconds.

"Sure." I finally said, walking into the hall. He followed me to the hall and I spun around, resting my shoulder on the wall. I raised my eyebrows in question, waiting for him to talk.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I wasn't thinking." He said, frowning. I guessed he was referring to the beach.

"It's fine, Blondie." I waved him off.

"No, it's not. Your brothers in the hospital and your apartment burned down and here I am, expecting you to come to the beach." He apologized.

"Way to cheer me up." I rolled my eyes.

It became silent before he blurted out, "Want to go to lunch with me?" I sighed, knowing I couldn't say no because of the bet. "I'll pay." He added.

"Why would I turn down free food?" I grinned. As we walked to the door, I shouted a good bye to my mom, getting scolded for yelling in return. I rolled my eyes, sliding my feet into my boots and opening the door. I slid into the passenger seat of Kendall's car, sweat rolling down my forehead. It was hot out today and I was stuck with jeans. I turned up the A.C as we pulled out of the drive way, sighing.

"Looks like I'm cancelling Colton's party." I frowned, realizing it was next weekend.

"Well that sucks." He said, in a bored tone. I glared at him, looking in front of me.

"Can I ask you something?" Kendall says, looking over at me. I watched as the light turned red and he slowed down.

"Shoot." I told him, nodding my head.

"Do you like me?" He said, and I raised my eyebrows, "Not in that way. Do you still absolutely hate my guts like you did 2 weeks ago?" I paused to think. That was right, only 36 more days to go, 35 if you don't count today. I looked over at him and grinned.

"I'd still rather jump of a cliff than hang out with you." As I said that, Kendall frowned. His eyes looked back to the road. "Dude, I'm kidding. Being burned alive would be much more enjoyable than hanging ot with you." I started laughing and he knew I was joking. He smiled at me and I smiled back.


lol I take forever to write when I'm lazy and busy with cheer and have writers block. But yeah, I got a chapter done. It's a filler chapter so please excuse it's boring-ness.

It's snowing/was snowing here so I'm happy!

QOTC: What do you wnat for Christmas?

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