Chapter 14

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When they finally brought Colton out of the building, he was unconscious. The tears fell even harder. They instantly put a mask over his mouth to help him breathe. I rushed over but a paramedic held me back.

"Family only." She nearly spat. I stood up taller, wiping under my eyes, black smudges on my hand.

"I'm his sister." I told her and she raised her eyebrows.

"You look nothing alike." She said in an annoyed tone.

"It's called hair dye, missy. Now move over. He's my brother." I spat, taking a step forward. It was times like this I wish I had my combat boots. She stepped out of the way. I rushed to his side, grabbing his hand.

"He isn't stable! We need to get him to the hospital!" One of the paramedics yelled to the others. I tensed, looking down at Colton on the stretcher. Black soot covered his face, a nasty blister covered his entire left cheek. His hand were burned and bleeding. His shoulder had a gash which they were trying to get to stop bleeding. As they loaded him in I jumped into the ambulance next to him. I looked back and saw Kendall standing behind the other paramedics, a worried expression on his face.

"Meet us there." I mouthed and he nodded. I gave him a small smile right before they shut the doors. They took care of Colton, cleaning his wounds the best they could. They handed me a wet cloth to wipe down his face. I started with his forehead, gently wiping away the soot. The cloth was now black. As we pulled into the hospital I started getting nervous. Would he have to go through surgery? Were his lungs okay?

An hour later I sat in the waiting room of the ER next to Kendall, staring at the tile-that-was-supposed-to-be-white-but-wasn't-white-at-all floor. I had one foot tucked underneath me, the other leg was pulled to my chest, my chin resting on my knee. I looked over at Kendall, and he looked at me before looking back to the ground, fiddling with his hands.

I paused for a second, looking at him quizzically, before asking, "Why do you act like this?" He looked over at me, as if it was a shock I was talking to him. Sure, I was crying into his chest an hour ago but my walls were built back up. I was just waiting to be able to see Colton.

"Like what?" He asked, obviously confused and slightly nervous. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"When we were first met, you were always smirking and joked around so much, acting like you were tough and cool, like you owned the place. Now, you just always fiddle your thumbs and avoid looking at me like I'm some type of animal." I said bluntly, speaking my mind like I did more than half the time.

"I- I- I don't know, okay? It's just that when we first met at the fair I thought you were sweet, kind, girly. Then you showed up with your leather jacket and I guess my brain thought "Oh, it's just a costume." But no, you are so completely different than I thought you were and I guess I just get nervous, okay?

I'm not the most liked in the band and that kind of puts me down. You're so confident and bold and brave and always speak your mind. And I'm, well, me." He said, rushing through his words, yet I understood every single one of them. I stared at him for a few moments.

"That's stupid." I told him and his expression changed. His jaw clenched. "Here it goes again with that clique saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." Yeah, I judged you by your music but you turned out pretty cool, I guess. Don't judge me by my appearance, just be you." I paused before adding, "Ugh, that was clique." I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"Well, sorry for being a human being and having feelings, unlike you." He mumbled but I could still hear him. I held my hands in fists, pressing my lips together tight.

An awkward silence fell between us before I saw my mom and dad come through the doors, their expressions filled with worry. I jumped up, meeting her and my dad half way across the room.

"Is he okay?" She asked, her voice cracking. I looked to my dad then back to her.

"I-I don't know." I told her, sighing. She wrapped her arms around me and I felt her shake as she cried. I soothed her but my dad eventually led her over to the chairs. I walked back over, pulling out my phone. 12:09 a.m. It was that late? As I looked up, Kendall let out a yawn. I tried stopping it but I yawned too. Stupid contagious yawns.

"I'm so tired." I told them as I finished yawning. "I'm going to head home an-" I stopped mid-sentence and I felt their eyes on me. "I'm going to stay the night with Bailey." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Sadie." My dad said, giving me a sympathetic look.

"I don't need sympathy, Dad." I rolled my eyes at him. "It was just a temporary sort of home. I just need a lot more clothes." I admit, I was going to miss that old, run down, shoe box apartment. That's when I realized the only clothing I had was the dress I was wearing and my leather jacket. Just great.

"I'll drive her home." Kendall spoke up, talking to my parents. I looked down at my feet and felt a weird feeling in my stomach before one thought filled my mind.

"I'm not wearing my combat boots!' I blurted out, my eyes widening. I could feel the stares of everyone in the room and my mom even looked up, raising her eyebrows. "T-They were burnt in the fire, I'm guessing." I frowned.

"We can get you a new pair." My mom said like it meant nothing, trying to sound concerned but was really trying not to laugh.

"You don't understand those things were my babies!" I frowned.

Before anyone could say anything about my "unnecessary" love of my combat boots, a male voice called out, "Colton Burns?" My eyes darted towards the doctor and they froze on him. Kendall and my parents stood up and we walked to the doctor.

"I'm Dr. Howe. Follow me." He said, giving us a small smile. We followed him down the hall, Kendall and I in the back. A nurse ran into me and glared at her. She turned and hurried away. We went inside a room with a desk, which I assumed to be his office.

"I have good and bad news." He said, hesitating to see what we would say.

"Good news first." My mom and dad said simultaneously, not daring to look away from the doctors. Kendall looked at me and gave an encouraging smile.

"The good news is, Colton is going to be okay. He is temporarily awake." The doctor said and my mom cheered, wrapping her arms around my dads neck.

"But," He continued, "He has suffered from terrible burns and his lungs inhaled a lot of smoke, nothing a ton of medicine and an inhaler can't fix. Also, he has a sprained wrist and may need a cast for a few weeks." Ironic how our last name was Burns.

A broad smile grew on my face and my parents thanked the doctor before he had a nurse lead us to his room. Overall, he was okay. He would be fine. My parents walked in first, stopping shortly inside the room. Kendall followed right behind me. Colton was cleaned up now, a hospital gown replacing his burnt clothes. He had on a lot of bandages and creme on, a wrap around his wrist. His blue eyes met mine. There was happiness in the pain. I rushed past my parents, wrapping my arms around my brother.

"I'm sorry, Colton." I murmured unto his ear so that only he could hear.

Remember, the cover contest ends on the 12th! Please enter and I'll give you food! Haha I'm so busy I actually have a social life :O

QOTC: What's you favorite names? Mines Helena and Mason :)

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