Chapter 3

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"This is my Aunt Susie." I sighed, gesturing between her and Kendall. 

"Nice to meet you, Kendall." She smiled before Layla, her 6 year old daughter, dragged her away. Kendall chuckled and I turned to glare at him. 

"Why couldn't you have just said no?"

"You still have 49 days, Baby Doll." He winked, grinning.

"Baby Doll?" I asked, disgusted.

"That's your new nickname." Before I could protest any more, I was lifted off the ground and spun around.

"Colton!" I squealed, hugging him. He grinned his perfect smile.

"Hey, Little Sis. I've missed you!" He said, ruffling my hair. I swatted his hand away but couldn't help but smile back. Noticing Kendall, his happy look turned into a hard glare. "Who's the guy?" He asked, jerking his head in Kendall's direction.

"Uh, I'm right here." Kendall said, annoyed.

"This is Bl- I mean Kendall." I introduced, rolling my eyes. "He's in this pop band and I made a bet blah blah blah, Sally broke down-"

"Sally?" Kendall asked.

"Her car." Colton answered.

"Well Sally broke down and Blondie here found me." I said, jabbing my thumb in his direction. "And don't worry, I basically hate his guts." I whispered so only Colton could hear. He nodded and his glare instantly fell and was replaced with a smile.

"Nice to meet you.." He held out his hand. Once Kendall had shaken his hand, he chuckled. "Kendork." Kendall rolled his eyes.

"Nice!" I fist bumped him. 

"Everyones getting ready to get in the pool, by the way. Shane's here, also." He winked and I hit his arm, glaring at him.

"I liked him a few years ago." I grumbled. "I'm over him." I said slowly like I was talking to a little kid. Colton made a comment I couldn't here before walking away.

"Shane?" Kendall asked, confused.

"A guy I used to like. He's friends with Colton. But I'm over him." I shrugged before walking down the hall, smiling at people as I walked by. I slid the glass door open that led to the backyard, and the pool. He looked from me to the pool.

"I don't know about you but I'm just going to sit and watch. You can swimg if ya like, I'm sure Colton has a pair." I shrugged, before walking over to a lawn chair. I sat down, frowning when I realized my sunglasses were in my bag, which was in the jeep.

"Kendork?" I asked right when he sat down.

"Yes, Baby Doll?" He gave me an annoyed look but then smirked. I glared at him.

"Will you get my bag out of the car?" He gave me a blank look. "Please?" He smiled, getting up. I avoided eye contact with Shane, knowing it would be awkward.

"Hey, Sadie." A voice said. I looked up and there stood 3 guys. One being my brother, a guy I've seen before but didn't know his name and,...Shane. All 3 of them in swim trunks, topless, and dripping water everywhere. Okay then.

"Uh, hi." I said, not really knowing which one of them said hi.

"Why don't you go swimming? It'll be fun." Shane asked, winking. I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you go ask any other of the girls here? And my swim suit is in my bag, which I don't have."

"Because, you're the only girl close to our age here." I sighed, turning to Colton.

50 Days With Big Time Rush | Kendall SchmidtWhere stories live. Discover now