Chapter 13

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I shrugged off my leather jacket, putting it on the chair behind me. I looked around the room, watching as people danced in the center of the room. There were two glass doors on either side of the room. Katie's mom was inside one of them, her husband-to-be in the other. Katie and her boyfriend, Nathan, were dancing together. Beside them, Bailey and James were dancing. Kendall walked up, looking behind me, then back to me.

"That leather jacket never leaves you, does it?" He asked raising his eyebrow. I looked up at him, waiting a few seconds before answering.

"Go away." I simply stated, before looking back around the room.

"Well that was mean." He fake pouted, pulling out a metal chair and sitting beside me.

"So is your face." I looked over at him, grinning, 

"Shut up." He mumbled, looking at he ground.

"I do what I want, Blondie." I told him, taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper. He fiddled with his hands and looked back.

"Uh, Sadie, do you want to dance?" He asked, rubbing the nape of his neck. "It's okay if you don't want to-" He started babbling and I cut him off.

"I'm sorry, Kendork, but I don't dance." I told him, shrugging.

"What about in the studio?" 

"That was different, you wouldn't let go of me and I was bored." I told him tugging the red and black lace dress farther down my thighs so I ddidn't feel so exposed.

"Oh, okay." He said and it grew into an awkward silence. Luckily, everyone began taking their seats. I spotted Bailey and followed her to our seats in the second row. We were practically family. Heck, we were family. Katie was the maid of honor. The groom was handsome and Katie's mom, Laura, looked gorgeous. I watched as the reception went on and they repeated the priest's words. Katie teared up, causing Bailey to tear up. 

"I do." Laura said in a shaky voice, a single tear falling down her cheek.

"You may now kiss the bride." As they kissed, I smiled slightly. It was sweet, really. As they had their first dance I stood against the wall, my hip resting against it. I had my arms crossed and just watched everyone. Carlos and his fiance, Alexa, if I remember correctly, were slow dancing too. Kendall sat talking with James. Bailey and Logan were shamelessly flirting. People began leaving around 8:30 and it was nearly pitch dark outside. I talked to Laura, congratulating her.

I walked over to the bar to get yet another soda and Kendall walked up to me.

"Hey there, Baby Doll." He said, leaning on the counter. I looked over at him.

"Go away, Stupid Face." I mocked his tone, rolling my eyes. I mean, if he could call me a stupid nickname, I could call him one. Seriously, Stupid Face is a nice nickname considering the things I've called Colton.

"Well aren't you nice." He muttered, telling the bartender his order.

"I sure am, aren't I?" I asked, faking a sweet smiling and battering my eyelashes for affect. I stuck my tongue out at him, taking a chug of my soda. I yawned, sighing afterwards.

"Someone's a bit tired, huh?" He teased, grinning.

"Shut up, loser." I hit his arm lightly, glaring at him. "I need to find Bailey. I'm ready to go." I said, partly to myself. My eyes searched the room and I couldn't find her. I checked in the bathroom and in the halls. Where was she? As I looked in the parking lot, I frowned. Her car was gone. "You have got to be kidding me." I mumbled, turning to walk inside. Kendall was walking out the doors and looked at me, then to the parking lot, then to me again.

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