Chapter 8

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I don't know what it was but something about Kendall earlier made me want to punch him in the face...with a chair. I sat on the bed, my arms crossed, glaring at the wall. I thought over what I had just yelled. I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Sadie?" It was a boy's voice, definitely not Kendall's.

"Go away." I called out.

"Please let me in." I recognized it as Logan's voice.

"Please let us in!" I heard Bailey correct him.

"Go talk to Kendall or something." I didn't here foot steps but there was silence.

I was stuck in this room. Going out would mean I'd have to talk to Logan, or most likely, Kendall. Not even a few seconds later after that thought, my stomach let out a growl. I glanced from my stomach to the door, debating whether I should go get some food. Finally, I stood up, my boots padding across the carpet, deciding not to talk to any one. I opened the door, surprised when no one was standing there. I poked my head out, looking down the hallway, spotting no one.

My feet felt like they were glued to cement when I walked into the living room. Everyone's eyes were on me and I felt self conscious. Kendall's green eyes stared into mine. I cleared my throat, quickly heading into the kitchen. I grabbed the first thing I saw, Sour Patch Kids, and spun around, ready to leave. What I wasn't expecting was to see a certain dirty blond headed boy.

"Please move over." I stated, not meeting his gaze.


"Kendall, move or I'll step on your foot."

"But I want to talk."

"But I don't want to."

"Well we're going to." 

"I don't wanna talk." I sighed, stressfully. 

"No, we need to talk. I'm sorry about earlier. I should have just kept quiet." He had a sincere look on his face as he looked down at me. I bit the inside of my cheek, a habit I had. 

"I'm sorry too." I finally said. He smiled slightly.

"So we're all good?"

"All good." I nodded. As I walked out of the kitchen, every ones eyes were back on me. When their eyes drifted behind me, they smiled. I made my way over to the couch, hopping over the back and landing on the cushion. I grabbed a sour patch, pulling out a yellow, which were my favorite, and popped it in my mouth. Kendall sat down next to me, not close enough to where we were touching. I glanced around the room, rolling my eyes as the guys started to sing. Something about windows and hair?...

As they finished the horrid song, I raised an eyebrow at Kendall. "What was that?"

"Windows Down." He answered proudly, not getting the point.

"What type of title is that?" I asked, laughing, actually finding it hilarious. Kendall smiled and I frowned.

"I just insulted your music, why are you smiling?"

"Because, you laughed." He smiled wider.

"She doesn't do that a lot." Bailey and Katie answered simultaneously. I gave them a look, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I don't think it's a good thing our song titles make her laugh." James frowned.

"Sadie?" Kendall asked.

"Yes, Kendork?"

"Can I talk to you?" Oh, great.

"Sure." I sighed. A few seconds passed.

"In private." He added. "Please?"

"Fine." I groaned, standing up. I followed him into the hall, leaning against the wall. He turned around, looking at me.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier, I really am. Just please let me take you out to apologize." 

"I already said-"

"No, I know. Just please, I'l let you choose where and I'll pay." His pleading eyes looked into my eyes. Was this boy ever going to leave me alone?

"Fine, I'll think about it." His eyes lit up.


"Yeah, I thought and my I'm not going on a date with you, get that through your head, Blondie." I shrugged before turning and walking away. 

"You're ruder than you seem, get that through your head Baby Doll." He said from behind me. I whipped around, glaring.

"Excuse me?"

"You're not the only one who can insult people."

"But you're a goody two shoes, you're too nice. And that wasn't even a proper insult."

"No I'm not!" He defended, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say." I rolled my eyes. I walked away, leaving him staring after me.

Sorry, that wasn't a very good chapter. And it was short...oopsie. THE LAST CHAPTER GOT 25 VOTES WUT. Khisegiubuasdbgbsid I love you guys.

Dedicated to mrsschmidtforever for being the first one to say squirrel :D The rest of you will get them soon. 

I started cheer last night :D

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: What's your fav food?

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