Chapter 9

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I pulled on my sports top and yoga shorts that were a decent length, yawning. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, pulling my hair up in a messy ponytail. Listen to that, messy ponytail. Not everybody can perfect a messy bun and pull it up so easily ya know! Even if I do put my hair in one it takes me 50 times just to get it looking half decent. I tied the laces on my shoes, grabbing my iPod and head phones. I jogged down the hall then down the stairs. The elevator was still broken after 2 days. As soon as I got outside I pressed play and started jogging, breaking into a run. I ran to the beat of music, the wind blowing behind me. As I ran, I began to think. I still had 47 days, I think? It was hilarious that Kendall thought I would fall for him.

I stopped in my tracks at the next song that came on. The next thing I knew I was sprawled on the ground. I rolled over, groaning and sitting up. I frowned at the cut on my knee.

How in the heck did I get Big Time Rush on my iPod?! Two names clicked in my brain as the annoying pop song continued to play. I pulled out my phone and pressed call.

"Hello?" Katie asked as she answered the phone.

"Is there a reason I have Kendall's stupid band on my iPod?" I asked gritting my teeth.

"IT WAS CARLOS' IDEA I SWEAR!" She yelled, hanging up. I sighed, standing up. I began walking back in the direction I came. No use hurrying. As I got back to the complex, I passed a silver car. I glanced at it, my eyes growing wide at who was leaning against it.

"Kendall?" I asked, him turning towards me.

"Oh, hey!" He smiled, walking over to me. He glanced at me up and down, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw my knee. "What happened?"

"I fell, no big deal." I shrugged. "But what are you doing here? And how do you know where I live?"

"Bailey told me."

"That traitor." I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Well nice seeing ya, good bye." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.

"Wait, I was wondering if you wanted to go to breakfast."

"I'd rather not go anywhere with you."


"You say please too much."

"Would you rather me kidnap you and make you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh look, Blondie's catching on!" I smirked. "I have to work, sorry."

"But it's Saturday."

"Exactly." I started walking, not expecting him to follow.

"Can I go to work with you then?"

Without thinking I said, "If I say yes will you shut your big mouth?" I asked him, putting a hand on my hip. He nodded. "Fine then yes. I just need to change." We walked up the stairs and I unlocked my door.

"Wait here." I told him as he looked around at my shoebox apartment. I shut my door, locking it. I washed my knee off, stripping from my sweaty clothes. I wiggled into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. I pulled my white v-neck over my head, shrugging my favorite black and red plaid hoodie on over top and zipping it up. I took down my hair, brushing it out and bobby pinning back the front section so it was out of my face. I did my make up quickly, pulling on my red vans. I made sure I had my work key before walking back out. "Ya ready?"

"Yup." He answered, standing up. I grabbed a pop tart from the cabinet, walking out the door. We took my car since I knew where it was. As we pulled up to the station, I took my regular spot. I hopped out, Kendall doing the same. I watched as he took in the brick building.

50 Days With Big Time Rush | Kendall SchmidtWhere stories live. Discover now