Chapter 6

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"Why the heck are they here!?" I yelled at Bailey, throwing my arm up in their direction.

"We kinda invited them over..." She answered nervously, scratching the back of her neck.

"We'll I'm leaving." I announced, glaring at the four guys before pivoting on my heel and walking out. One minute I was walking toward the door the next I was looking at...Kendall's butt? "Put me down!"

"Nope, you're staying." He said, carrying me back into the living room where everyone was laughing.

"Schmidt, put me down or I swear you'll end up much worse than Shane did at the party." I growled when he still didn't put me down. He jumped at my words, setting me down. I smoothed out my shirt, fixing my hair. "That's what I thought." 

"I'm sorry, Sadie. They just offered to hang out and like how could I turn them down?!" Katie exclaimed. 

"Whatever." I muttered. "But you could've at least told me someone was over! Now I have to go put my make up on..again." I sighed when I noticed their mascara clad eyelashes and the rest of their make up.

"You don't need it." Kendall said. 

"Yeah right." I said over my shoulder. I did the basic make up...well as basic as it could get for me. I walked back out of the bathroom and into the living room feeling much better than I did before. Seeing my spot occupied I crossed my arms. "James, that's my seat."

"I don't see your name on it." He replied, smirking.

"James..." Katie and Bailey warned.

"James, that's my seat." I repeated, taking a step closer and putting a glare on my face. "Move."

"James, do it." Kendall told him. When he still didn't I placed my hand on his shoulder, digging my thumb into his shoulder. 

"Ow, uh, o-okay I'll move, ow, ow!" He stuttered, jumping up and moving. A victorious smirk was placed on my face as I sat down.

"So, Sadie, you and Kendall are dating?" Carlos asked. My head snapped over to him.

"No, we are not. I wouldn't date him even if it was to save my life. We still have this bet going on and I am definitely NOT losing just because I'm falling for Blondie over here." I stated, jabbing my thumb at Kendall.

"Oh, um, sorry." He answered.

"Come on, you know you want me." Kendall winked cheekily.

"Shut it, Schmidt." I rolled my eyes. 

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Bailey asked, trying to get us off the topic.

"I'm kinda hungry." Logan shrugged just as the door bell rang. They all jumped up, racing to the door. I was left with, guess who? You got it...Blondie.

"You planned this." I glared at him.

"No, Katie just said you were coming over and James had already asked if they wanted to hang out."

"Well I'm leaving or you guys are." I stated, crossing my arms.

"Please stay." Carlos pouted as he walked into the room, everyone else in tow.

"Please?" Bailey and Katie pleaded simultaneously. They all looked at me repeating the word 'please'.

"Please?" Kendall asked, pouting.

"Please?" James asked, dragging out the 'e'. I closed my eyes, trying to block them out.

"JUST SHUT UP I'LL STAY!" I eventually yelled and they all flinched, then cheered. "But I'm not talking to them." I said, pointing at the guys of BT..R? Yeah, maybe that was it but I honestly don't care.

They all nodded and began digging into the pizza. I rolled my eyes, plugging in my head phones.


"Do you annoy people as a hobby or is it just your personality?" I asked Carlos, gritting my teeth then turning to him. He had been repeating my name for the past 5 minutes and had been poking me for the past 3.

"You talked! Haha!" He cheered and I sent him a glare. He shut up. 

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Kendall asked, looking through the stacks of movies. 

"I think we should watch a horror movie." Logan said, already putting in the DVD. Katie, Bailey, Kendall, and James all had fear stricken faces.

"What movie?" I asked, unable to read the cover.

"The Nightmare In Connecticut or something like that." He shrugged as James turned off the lights.

"Haunting." I corrected, already have seen the movie twice. I moved from the couch and sat on the floor, closer to the TV as the movie started.

Tonight I cried so so much. The flashbacks started the waterworks and then the theme song made me sob. 4 amazing seasons, so many amazing memories. The show may end, but the musical journey lives on

I'm updating just cuz.  Kay, well gonna go cry some more, bye.

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