Chapter 7

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I watched the screen, captivated. I took a second to look back at everyone else. Bailey and Katie were clinging onto each other, peeking out from a blanket. James was hiding his face with...a black and white dog? When did that get here? Kendall was shaking a bit. When he saw me looking he bit his lip and cleared his throat, looking back to the TV. Logan was watching the screen, his eyes not moving from it. Carlos' phone illuminated his face, a goofy smile placed on it as he tapped away on his screen.

I looked back to the screen just as it was ending. "TURN ON THE LIGHTS!" James, Katie, and Bailey both screamed.

"You have legs, do it yourself." I told them. Kendall got up and turned on the lights. 

"I really don't like that movie." He finally said.

"Ha, chicken." I laughed.

"Well I'm having nightmares." Bailey muttered. I looked at Carlos.

"Carlos. Carlos. Carlos?" I asked when he didn't look up. I stood up, stretching. I walked over to him, snatching his phone from his hands. "Who's this Alexa girl?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"My girlfriend." He mumbled, taking his phone back. I shook my head at him, turning to Logan.

"Logan, you are my new favorite since you actually watched the whole movie." I told him and he grinned.

"What! That's not fair! I'm your favorite!" Kendall exclaimed, rushing over to me.

"Not anymore Blondie." I winked, hip bumping him as I made my way into the kitchen. I grabbed the chocolate mix, pouring it into the milk and stirring it. I had this weird obsession with chocolate milk. That's one thing Colton and I had in common. 

"But seriously, how am I not your favorite?" He asked, pouting.

"Well, I like Logan more than you so, your not my favorite." I shrugged. "Well I don't really like Logan that much but still."

"Fine." I took a gulp of my chocolate milk, heading for the door.

"Wait." I turned around, looking at him questioningly. "Are you doing anything this Saturday?"

"Uh, no, not really. Work, cleaning, the usual."

"Then I would like to ask you on a date."

"Look, Blondie, I'm flattered and all but I don't do dates. And as it's quite obvious, I'm not interested in you." His face fell and he looked to the ground.

"Oh, okay. Sorry I even asked." He muttered, turning around and walking out of them room. I switched my weight to one side, sighing. This was going to be awkward. I took a deep breath, walking into the living room. I took my seat, ignoring everyone.

"I'm bored." Carlos said from his seat on the floor. 

"Hm, sorry." Katie shrugged, looking back to her phone, smiling when it dinged.

"Katie's texting Nathan." I said and her head whipped around to me, glaring. "Honey, glares don't work on me. I'm the Queen Of Glares."

"Ooh, who's Nathan?" James asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Her boyfriend!" Bailey smiled, hitting her arm. 

"Just be quiet." Katie groaned, covering her face. All of a sudden, Kendall took her phone from her hand, looking down at her phone and starting to tap. "GIVE IT BACK!" She screeched, jumping up. Kendall ran to the corner of the room, smiling evilly down at the phone. I jumped up, holding Katie back.

"Say 'You're like so sexy omg'." Logan laughed, hurrying over to Kendall. After a few minutes of me holding Katie back, resulting in me sitting on her, Kendall handed her back her phone smirking.

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